Day in, day out — урок
Департамент образования администрации муниципального образования город Краснодар
Профессиональный конкурс молодых учителей
«Учительские вёсны» 2016
Сценарий учебного занятия
«Изо дня в день»
Тема урока: Простое настоящее время
Тип урока: Урок интенсивного повторения лексического и грамматического материала.
Вид урока: Урок обобщения и систематизации
ФИО учителя-автора: Манюк Александр Эдуардович
Преподаваемый предмет: Английский язык
Полное наименование общеобразовательного учреждения: Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 11
Краснодар - 2016
Цели и задачи урока:
Учебный аспект – развить речевые навыки (чтение, монологическая и диалогическая речь), совершенствовать умение использовать время Present simple в речи.
Образовательный аспект – расширить лингвострановедческие знания учащихся.
Развивающий аспект – совершенствовать умения решать коммуникативные задачи в новых ситуациях общения.
Воспитательный аспект – развивать умение работать в группе, паре, развивать культуру общения.
Наглядные пособия и ТСО.
раздаточный материал
грамматическая таблица
интерактивная доска
колонки (динамики)
План урока.
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.Организационный момент, объявление целей урока. PAGEREF _Toc447349130 \h 2 стр
2.Фонетическая зарядка. PAGEREF _Toc447349131 \h 3 стр
3.Чтение с детальным пониманием текста. PAGEREF _Toc447349132 \h 3 стр
4.Физминутка. PAGEREF _Toc447349133 \h 3 стр
5.Выполнение подстановочных упражнений по тексту. PAGEREF _Toc447349134 \h 4 стр
6.Выполнение грамматических упражнений c использование «Present Simple». PAGEREF _Toc447349135 \h 4 стр
7.Диалоги. PAGEREF _Toc447349136 \h 5 стр
8.Рефлексия PAGEREF _Toc447349137 \h 5 стр
9.Домашнее задание PAGEREF _Toc447349138 \h 6 стр
10.Игровые задания PAGEREF _Toc447349139 \h 6 стр
Ход урока.
Организационный момент, объявление целей урока.Время ≈ 2 минуты
Teacher: Good morning, dear pupils.
Class: Good morning, dear teacher
We are glad to see you.
Teacher: I am glad to see you too. You may sit down. We begin our work. Our topic today is “Day in, day out”. We are going to speak about your everyday activities. About things that we do every day. We’ll read the text with you and do some exercises, we’ll do grammar exercises, and we’ll make dialogues and play.
Фонетическая зарядка.Время ≈ 2 минуты (слайд 2)
Teacher: But first we’ll train our tongues. Read after me:
[s] walks, eats, makes, keeps
[z] goes, finds, reads, smells
[iz] watches, misses, washes, mixes
[ŋ] sleeping, talking, playing, writing
Teacher: Who wants to read the poem by heart? And who can translate it?
The rain is raining all around,
It falls on field and tree
It rains on the umbrella here
And on the ships at sea.
Teacher: Very good.
Чтение с детальным пониманием текста.Время ≈ 11 минут (слайд 3)
Teacher: And who knows what we are going to do today.
Class: We are going to do things that happen every day.
Teacher: Let’s read a small text. Now take your papers. You see the text. Let’s read the letter and pay attention to Present simple. (Раздать текст) (Отобразить на электронной доске)
My name is Kate. I am ten. I am from Russia. I live in the village. I have got a family. My family is not large. I have got a mum, a dad and a brother. My mum is 35. And my dad is 40. My brother is in the 5th form.
I have got a friend. My friend Oleg lives in St. Petersburg. This is a big city. There are a lot of museums, cathedrals, theatres and cinemas in the city.
Oleg lives in a big house. There is a school near his house. Oleg goes to the 6th form. His favourite subjects are English and Russian.
On the right of his house there is a stadium and a swimming pool. Oleg plays football at the stadium and likes going to the swimming pool. He is good at swimming. On the corner of his street there is a big cathedral. On the left of the cathedral there are two cafés and a theatre.
Behind my friend’s house there is a big green park. His parents like walking round the park in spring and summer. Not far from Oleg’s house there is a cinema. He usually sees interesting films here. Oleg loves his city very much.
Физминутка.Время ≈ 2 минуты (слайд с видео 13)
Teacher: I think it’s time to have a rest. Do with me.
Clap your hands, clap your handsClap your hands everywhere
Clap them low by your toesand clap them high in the air
Now clap to the left,clap to the right,clap in front and clap behind Now clap to the left,clap to the right,clap in front and clap behind
[Let’s do it again!]
Выполнение подстановочных упражнений по тексту.Время ≈ 7 минут (слайд 4, затем 5, затем 6 с интерактивным заданием)
Teacher: And now let’s see how you have understood the text. Will you match the English word and its translation? Think it over. I give you one minute. (Задание делается на электронной доске)
A village Собор
A museum Любимый предмет (урок) (в школе)
A cathedral 6 класс
A favourite subject Театр
6th form Музей
A theatre Село (деревня)
Teacher: Let’s check your answers with the help of the computer.
Your next task is to fill in the missing word from the text. (делается на электронной доске)
My name … Kate. (is)
I … got a mum. (have)
On the … of his house. (right)
Oleg … football. (plays)
… my friend’s house there … a big green park. (Behind) (is)
There … two cafés and a theatre. (are)
Teacher: You see another exercise on your papers. Make up sentences of the words given.
My, is, name, Kate.
A family, I, got, have.
There, a school, near, is, his, house
Oleg, lives, in, St. Petersburg, my, friend.
Teacher: Thank you very much. You’ve done all the exercises excellently.
Выполнение грамматических упражнений c использование «Present Simple».Время ≈ 8 минут (слайд 7)
Teacher: Look at the blackboard. This is the rule. You see that the verb “Do/Does” is before the subject in a question, “not” comes after the verb “Do/Does” in a negative sentence. Using the table make a negative sentence and a question.
Questions Negation
Do I play? Do we play? I do not play We do not play
Do you play? Do You play? You do not play You do not play
Does he / she / it play? Do they play? He / she / it does not play They do not play
Teacher: Let’s see that you understand the rule and now you are ready to do some grammar exercises. Please, open the brackets. (слайд 8 на электронной доске)
1. Linda has a toothache. (Does) She (go) to the dentist clinic?
2. My friends decided to go for a walk a picnic. (Do) they (go) for a walk?
3. Mary (has) a little sister. But her parents (are) busy. Her parents (do not stay) with her sister.
4. It’s the weekend. It’s cloudy and rainy. He (does not go) to the zoo.
Teacher: Very good. I have another task for you: all children like Christmas and all children like to get presents. What are the parents going to give their children for Christmas? Look at the example: Stephen likes to read. You see a book. So you say: Stephen’s parents give him a book. Now it’s your turn. (картинки на электронной доске, слайд 10)
Kevin is always late. Julie likes running Paul loves football.
Susan is fond of music. Thomas plays tennis. Alice likes taking photos.
Jennifer loves pets. Kate likes chatting with friends.
Teacher: That’s OK. And what do you think your parents will give you for Christmas. Begin your sentences with I think my parent give me… and don’t forget to show your pictures.
Диалоги.Время ≈ 4 минуты (слайд 14)
Teacher: Do you like cartoons? Of course, you do. Imagine that you are a character of these cartoons. Make up dialogues and use your imagination.
- Who wants to be Tiger and Aunt Owl?
- Who will be Doc and Happy?
- Who will be Ariel and Flounder?
РефлексияВремя ≈ 2 минуты
Здесь следует перейти на русский язык (чтобы в сжатое время понять детей (и проанализировать ответы)). Задать следующие вопросы детям:
Учитель: Какую задачу решали? Что надо было сделать? Что делали? Как выполняли задание? Что не получилось и почему? Что следует делать в дальнейшем? Что может помочь в дальнейшей работе?
Класс: Отвечают на вопросы
Домашнее заданиеВремя ≈ 1 минута (слайд 15)
Teacher: Thank you. You’ve tried hard. The main part of our lesson has come to an end. What did you do at the lesson?
Teacher: Some pupils have done their best. I give them 5s. Other pupils made some mistakes. I give them 4s. And write down your home task. It will be exercise 17, 18 at page 17.
Игровые заданияВремя – до окончания урока (слайд 16 с интерактивным заданием)
Teacher: I think we have some minutes to play.
Guess what each word is. (составить слова на эл доске)
e,a,t,m (meat)
p,l,e,e,o,p (people)
b,d,e,a,r (bread)
l,i,k,m (milk)
s,s,h,t,o,r (shorts)
i,s,s,m (miss)
Write the words in transcription with letters. (экранная клавиатура, слайд 17)
Do the crossword puzzle. Find 10 words on the topic (слайд 18).
l i m u s i c a f e
e d a t e v i s i t
s e a n o t n e w s
s p w e e k e n d p
o p g a v y m e a i
n r o t t i a y c c
o c a r d c d e f n
g a m e t v h e a i
s n o p p i n g o c
Teacher: Our lesson has come to an end. It was a great pleasure to work with you. We reviewed Present simple tense. And we also repeated different useful words. Thank you for your attention. Good-bye.