Контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему Цивилизация и прогресс (10 класс)
Progress check 3
Date:_____________ Name:_______________________
a) Listen to a part of a radio programme and make notes on the following:
Date of the event:__________________
Name of the event:__________________________
Number of people: _________________________
Number of cities: ______________________
b) Listen again and decide whether these statements are true (T) or false (F):
1______________ 4________________
2______________ 5 ________________
3 ______________ 6 ________________
Form nouns from the verbs:
Invent – ___________________
Educate – ____________________
Act – ________________________
Collect – _____________________
Improve_______________________ Discover – ______________
Populate – _____________
Describe – ______________
Contribute – _____________
Investigate - _____________
Transform the adjectives:
Kelly is the…………………………….girl in her class. (good)
That dictation was …………………………….than this one. (difficult)
Tammy is a …………………………………. woman. (clever)
This film is the…………………………….I’ve ever watched. (bad)
This year I have …………………free time than last year. (much)
Gerund or infinitive:
I stopped ……………………………...(jog) in the morning last month.
Mary will stop ………………………(have) a rest after running.
Pam regrets …………………………(tell) me the whole truth.
Please don’t forget ……………….(bring) your book tomorrow!
I will never forget ………………….(visit) that wonderful museum.
Translate from English into Russian:
Establish laws and rules – __________________________
Have a system of values – __________________________
Regulate the relationships – ________________________
Make a discovery –______________________________
Make a mistake – _______________________________
Species – _________________________________
Survive – ___________________________________
Requirement – _________________________________
Ancient –_________________________________________
Harsh conditions – _________________________________
From Russian into English:
Исследование -________________________________
Опустошенный _________________________________
Исчезать _________________________________
Распад __________________________________
Городские жители _______________________________
Плотно заселенный_____________________________________
Закончиться ______________________________
Доход __________________________________________
Ужасный _______________________________________
Притворяться _____________________________________
* Translate into English:
Должно быть, его нет дома сейчас.______________________________________________
Должно быть, его не было дома вчера.____________________________________________
Наверно, он знает об этом. Я не уверен. _____________________________________________________
Если бы вы рассказали ей правду тогда, она бы сейчас не злилась бы на вас.__________________________________________________________________________________
Мое сочинение интереснее, чем его._________________________________________________________*Write an essay in about 180-200 words:
“Imagine that you could only use ONE of the following: a computer, a mobile phone or a car. Which one would you use and why?”