Конспект урока английского языка в 4 классе At the Zoo

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This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by the University of Oregon . Paths to Success in English Language Teaching. Copyright 2015 University of Oregon. All rights reserved. Phase 1 Lesson Plan Template Page 1 PHASE 1 LESSON PLAN At the Zoo N ame: Natalya Tuzova A. Students and Setting Students: Fourth grade (ages 9 - 10); B eginner EFL level; all of students are Russian speaking . This is a class of a small village public school where 100 children study. The re are 9 students in the class. The teacher has the same students. English is the only foreign language which is taught at the school. English is practiced in 40 - 45 minute lessons twice a week. It’s learning for three years. B. Lesson Backgroun d: In previous lessons, students have already learned about some wild animals, living in different countries , their characteristics, tastes, actions, using Present Simple and Present progressive, read short stories, and poems in English about animals, t heir journeys. In this lesson studen ts will practice their language skills (rea ding, writing and speaking) and to make posters about the Zoo . Students will be placed in groups of 3 - 4 . Each group will collab o rate creat e a poster, where th ey ha ve to point which animals live at the Zoo , their habitat s, tastes ; what time is it open, closed; how much is it for children/ adults; Zoo rules and other information. At the end of the lesson the groups will present their own work. In the next class , students will tell and write about their virtual trips to their classmates’ Zoo/ Park: what they did and saw at the zoo / in the park , using Past Simple tense . C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results: By the end of the lesson students should be able t o review and extend their knowledge of animal vocabulary , to talk about animals; organize their own work using an instruction, to write about the Zoo and present it. D. Materials and Sources: Materials : Flash cards, pictures, cards with description of some animals, Pine Walk Koala Park poster, worksheets with instructions, paper and pencils, markers , clue. Sources 1. http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/?utm_source=te_medium=header - This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by the University of Oregon . Paths to Success in English Language Teaching. Copyright 2015 University of Oregon. All rights reserved. Phase 1 Lesson Plan Template Page 2 tab&utm_campaign=teachingenglish 2. http://www.teachingwebsites.co.uk/ 3. Integrating technology in the foreign language classroom: Ident http://web.cortland.edu/flteach/mm - course/goals.html . 4. http://www.lessonplans.co m/ 5. http://www.podcastsinenglish.com/pages/freesample.shtml E. Procedures / Timing: Teacher does/says . . . Students do/say . . . Approximat e Time Present Pine Walk Koala Park poster Ask: 1. Which animals can you see in the park? 2. Where can you have a picnic? 3. Who can you meet? 4. What time is the park open? 5. How much is it for a child? Look, read and answer. 5 min. Ask: Have you ever been in our local Zoo? W hich animals have yo u seen there? Answer the questions; name the animals they have seen at the Zoo. 2 min Places students in groups of 3 - 4 lower level students are placed with higher level students who can help them . Assemble in groups at a table made of desks pushed . Say : Today we are g oing to manage the Zoo . But we should decide which animals will live there. Read description s , go to the tea c h er ’ s table and choose the picture s . 5 min This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by the University of Oregon . Paths to Success in English Language Teaching. Copyright 2015 University of Oregon. All rights reserved. Phase 1 Lesson Plan Template Page 3 Have p ut different pictures of zoo animals on the teacher ’ s desk , board . Give the students a handout with their descriptions . Say: Choose animals for your own Zoo s o n their description s . After students return to their seats: Say: Now y ou should make a poster where you will write a bout your Zoo s . Use y our I magination to do your Zoo s more attractive and amazing for your visitors. Let’s get started! You can write as much as you like in any order. Just get some ideas down. Let’s brainstorm! Then circulates to each student group to ask if they need help, check what they are writing, and encourage them to just write phrases or ideas to begin with; helps with vocabulary words needed. Begin to write/brainstorm, make a poster. 10 min Say: L et’s stop for a moment and share what we have written. Please discuss to your partner s what you will tell a bout your Zoo to invite more visitors . Circulates as students share in group s; discusses their ideas and encourages them to speak in English to their partner s . Stop work and talk to partners . 10 min Please p i n k your poster s to board and present the m . Think some more about your p o sters when you get home. Report about works, tell about their Zoos. 10 min This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by the University of Oregon . Paths to Success in English Language Teaching. Copyright 2015 University of Oregon. All rights reserved. Phase 1 Lesson Plan Template Page 4 What else do you want to say about it? Says: Very good. Next time we will tell about o ur visits to the Zoos . Please make sure that everyone has a part to work . Reporters, p lease give me your p osters before you leave. File pictures and notes into portfolio as they leave the class. 3 min F. Alternative Assessment: For this class period and a s the teacher circulates among the group s, she will make notes on how students talk with partner s . The teacher uses a simple checklist of student names to keep track of which students have spoken in the group , who didn’t speak up in the group . T he teacher will help students with vocabulary and phras ing as they speak to the group. S he will also take notes on phrase or expressions that students have difficulty with. Later, the teach er will decide, based on her notes, whether to work further on vocabulary or review some grammatic al structures important to the students . The posters and picture s with d e scriptions will eventually become part of the students’ portfolio. G. Reflection – Phase 1: This lesson integrates previous readings with speaking in a small group. So it integrates different skills: reading , writing and oral performance. The lesson includes formative asse ssment during the group activity. This will help me find out which students need more help with reading or speaking .