План-конспект урока английского языка в 3 классе по теме «Seasons»

МБОУ гимназия №24 г. Ставрополь
План-конспект урока английского языка в 3 классе по теме: “Seasons”
Учитель: Тищенко Вера Ивановна

Тема: «Seasons»
- расширение словарного запаса учащихся по теме;
- закрепление умений и навыков употребления лексических единиц в монологической речи и ситуациях реального общения;
- развитие навыков аудирования, навыков речи, памяти, логического мышления.
Воспитывающая: воспитание интереса к изучению английского языка; способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся; воспитание культуры общения.
Ход урока
Этап. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной деятельности
Организационный момент
Задача: проверить готовность учащихся к уроку
Good afternoon, girls and boys! I am glad to see you! My name is Inna Igorevna and I’ll be your English teacher for today. Are you ready? Let’s start our lesson!
What date is it today?
What day of the week is it today?
What is the weather like today?
Do you like this weather?
What do you want to do at our lesson?
Let’s make some predictions! How do you think what shall we do at our lesson today? Check it at the end of our lesson!
Фонетическая зарядка
Задача: совершенствовать произносительные навыки учащихся, развивать абстрактно-логическое мышление.
We’ll start our lesson with the poem about rain. You have cards on the table. Now listen to me and then repeat after me.
Rain on the green grass,
And rain on the tree,
Rain on the house-top,
But not on me.Let’s read this poem all together, and then read it one by one.
Let’s translate this poem.
Read out the words with the sound [n]
Речевая разминка
Задача: создать атмосферу общения на уроке через неподготовленную речь учащихся, развивать абстрактно-логическое мышление, память.
How many months are there in a year? (There are 12 months in a year)
How many seasons are there in a year? (There are four seasons in a year)
What season do you like best of all and why?
What season comes after spring?
What season comes after summer?
What do you like to do in spring (summer, autumn, winter)?
What do you like to eat in summer?
Проверка домашнего задания
Задача: проверить правильность выполнения домашнего задания
- What was your homework?
- Did you do your homework?
- Let’s check it!
- Let’s check how you know irregular verbs. (Игра Домино)
- Match the verb on the left with the verb on the right.
had eat
ate teach
taught hear
heard swim
swam write
wrote become
became drinkdrankseesawsing
sang buyboughthave
этап – Обучение видам речевой деятельности
Задача: развивать умения читать с целью выделения конкретной информации.
Now let’s read the tale about an old man and an old woman and think of a title for it. You should be careful this time. And after it you should answer my questions:
- Begin reading, please.
- Who will be the next?
- Go on reading, please.
- What kind of pet did the old man have?
- Did he love a pet?
- How did he take care of it?
- Why did the woman throw a pet out of window?
- Did the bird want to drink and eat?
- Where did the old man go to look for his bird?
- Did he find the bird?
- Where was the bird?
- Did the bird go back home? Why?
- What did the bird give the old man?
- What was in the small basket?
- What did the bird give the old woman?
- What did the old woman see in the large basket?
Who wants to tell us about…этап – Работа с новыми лексическими единицами
Задача: закрепить новые лексические единицы
Now look at the screen. What seasons are in the picture? So, let’s try to make some predictions? What do you think, what we shall speak about at our lesson today? I ask you to guess the topic of our lesson.
- The topic of our lesson today is “Seasons”.
Now let’s learn some new words. Look at the blackboard, please! You can see new words and now listen to me and then repeat these words after me.
a season – время года, сезон
a warm season – теплый сезон
a cold season – холодный сезон
a beautiful season – прекрасное время года
four seasons – 4 времени года
autumn – осень
a cold autumn – холодная осень
winter - зима
spring - весна
summer – лето
Now we know how to read these words. Can you use them in the sentences? Make up the sentence with one of these words.
Now let’s repeat different activities??. I’ll show a picture to you and you should tell us in which season it is better to do things, painted in the picture.
Now let’s relax and do exercises
Hands up clap clap clapHands down shake shake shakeHands on hip jump jump jumpHop hop hop stop stand still
Good sit down please.
этап – Обучение видам речевой деятельности
Задача: развивать умение понимать английскую речь в нормальном темпе.
Now you are going to listen to the story about seasons. You should be careful this time. And after it you should fill the gaps in the cards.
Fill the gaps
In .............trees are of different colours: green, yellow, brown and red.
...............is the coldest season of the year.
In …….. children can play hockey, snowball, skate, ski and sledge.
It is warm in ……….. than in winter.
............... is the warmest season of the year.
Are you ready? Let’s check it.
In autumn trees are of different colours: green, yellow, brown and red.
Winter is the coldest season of the year.
In winter children can play hockey, snowball, skate, ski and sledge.
It is warm in spring than in winter.
Summer is the warmest season of the year.
I am giving each of you some cards, you should make up a whole poem out of these sentences.
Каждому из Вас раздаются карточки с разрезанными предложениями, Вам необходимо собрать из них целое стихотворение. [Spring is] [summer is] [autumn is] [winter is] [white] [yellow] [bright] [green]
Now we shall guess riddles. (Дети угадывают загадки о временах года).
1. It is cool or warm. The weather is fine. You can see flowers in the fields. ( spring)
2. It is hot. The weather is fine. The trees are green. There many flowers in the fields. ( summer)
3. The weather is bad. It usually rains. The trees are yellow and red.  (autumn)
4. The weather is cold. It snows. The trees are white. (winter)
5. There is no snow. The flowers are seen. This isn’t summer. I know, it is…     ( spring)
Задача: создать атмосферу общения на уроке через неподготовленную речь учащихся, развивать абстрактно-логическое мышление, память.
Now work in pairs. Make up the dialogue about seasons. Two students come up to the blackboard. One of them tells his favourite activity in any season to his/her friend and we will ask him or her about this thing.
этап – Заключительный
Подведение итога урока
Задача: подвести итог проделанной работе
- Children, let’s remember what did we do during the lesson?
- What new information did you get?
Объяснение домашнего задания
Задача: сообщить и объяснить домашнее задание
Children, now it’s time to write down your hometask. Take your record books, please: ex. 6 p.72-73 read the text.
Выставление и аргументация оценок
Задача: оценить работу учащихся и аргументировать оценки
… your work at the lesson was good today, your mark is “5”.
… you made some mistakes, your mark is “4”Give me the record books.
Our lesson is over. Thank you for our lesson. You may be free. See you soon later. Good buy.