Сценарий сказки Snow White and Seven Dwarfs

Nestor : Once upon a time, long, long ago a king and a queen lived. The queen was kind and lovely and all the people loved her.
Nastya: The only sadness in the queen's life was that she wished for a child but did not have one.
Nestor : Suddenly she  pricked her finger with her needle. Three drops of blood fell into the snow.
Nastya: The red on the white looked so beautiful that she thought.
Lera (Queen): If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood.
Nestor: Soon she had a little daughter who was as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as wood. They named the baby princess Snow White
Lera (Queen):She is so nice and beautiful! She has to be very happy!
Nastya : The Queen and the King were very happy!
Ivan( King).: I am so happy! I love my wife and my daughter.(музыка веселая королевская,танец Леры и Вани)
Прерывает веселую музыку страшная музыка. выход П.ЯловойЛера прячется за Ваню, Полина пугает короля и королеву( танец полины)
Nestor:, (пауза) but sadly(пауза), the queen died.(грустная музыка)
Ivan( King) Oh! I am so lonely! I don’t know what to do!? I stay with my little daughter. (грустная музыка короля)
Nastya: 15 years later the king married another woman. She was a beautiful woman, but she was proud and cruel.
Ivan( King) You are so beautiful!And this is my daughter Snow-White ! I love her very much!
Nestor: Look at this nice girl ! This is lovely little Princess . Her name is Snow-white . Her lips are red , her hair is fair , her skin is white .\
Nastya: Her stepmother , the Queen is beautiful too . But she  understands , that one day Snow-white will be more beautiful .
Polina: Snow-White? Lazy girl! Take out the rubbish!
Snow-White (Cоня Д) Yes, Mother.What else can I do for you? I will do everything for you, my dear stepmother!!!Polina:Get out!(Соня Д. Уходит) Stupid girl! OK, Where is my magic mirror?
Nestor: Snow-White dreams , that one day the Prince will come , love and save her .
Polina:I have a magic mirror! “Mirror , mirror on the wall , who is the most beautiful of all ?
Mirror: You , my Queen  is beautiful , it is true . But Snow-white is more beautiful than you .!Polina: What?!! No! You always say “You, my Queen, are the most beautiful of
all.” :
Magic Mirror: I cannot lie! Now Snow-White is more beautiful than you.
Polina:OK! We’ll live and see…( гром ) Huntsmaaaaaan! Huntsmaaaaaan!
Huntsman: Yes, Your Majesty.
Polina: Tomorrow you will take Snow-White into the forest, kill her!!!!Huntsman: But, Your Majesty, I can’tpolina: Or I will off your head!
Huntsman: Yes, Your Majesty.
Polina: Go! (Huntsman leaves) I will be the most beautiful of all again! (Leaves)
Nastya: Snow-White and Huntsman are in the forest. Snow-White is picking flowers. The huntsman comes up to her and raises his knife.
Snow-White: No, please, don’t kill me!
Huntsman: Oh!I can’t do it. I’m sorry. The Queen wants to kill you. Run away, poor girl! Hide in the woods and never come back!
Snow-White: Thank you! You’ve got a kind heart!
Nestor: ( музыка маликова )Snow-White stayed alone.Oh, poor little girl! (пауза) She was frightened. The poor Snow-White is walking among woods,
Snow-White:I am very scared.! Wild animals are here!
Nastya: The poor Snow-White walkуd among woods. She heard wild animals .Snow-White:I am so tired!!! Nobody can help me!!!! Nobody loves me!!!!Nestor: She was really tired and hungry! Snow-White decided to sit on the stone and have a rest…..Nastya: Suddenly she heard………Uliyana: Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!!! Who is here?????? What are you doing here my dear child????? It is too late!!! There are a lot of wild animals! Where are your parents?????Snow-White:I am Snow –White!!! I haven’t got a family! My cruel stepmother get me away!!!!Uliyana: Oh, my dearest girl, don’t be sad!!! Stop crying,please!!! Look at me….I am An eastern magician….( танец Ульяны) Oh, you are smiling, I think that I can help you! Come with me…..( Ульяна ведет Соню к домику гномов) You can stay here my dear child…..Bye!!!
Nestor: She comes in and sees that all things inside were small. There were a small table with small seven little chairs and seven little beds. It was very strange!
Snow-White:I am so hungry and I am so tired!
Nastya: As she was very hungry, she ate all the food, After that she lied down on the beds and fell asleep.
Музыка гномиков. Выходят гномики ( танец)
7 dwarfs: Something wrong in our house!!!!!!!The first says Даня: «Who sat on my stool?»
The second (Аня): «Who ate off my plate?»
The third(Ваня): «Who picked my bread?»
The fourth(Соня): «Who ate with my spoon?»
The fifth ( Игорь): «Who ate with my fork?»
The sixth(Аглая): «Who cut with my knife?»
The seventh(Василиса): «Who drank my milk?»
The first says Даня: «Who is that?!»7 dwarfs: «Who is that?!»The sixth(Аглая): What a lovely child she is!
The third(Ваня): How nice she is!»
The fourth(Соня): I am very glad to see her!
The second (Аня): Don’t wake her up!!!The seventh(Василиса): She is the most beautiful girl in the world!
The fifth ( Игорь): But what happened with her????????
Просыпается Белоснежка…..
Nestor: She is very wondering! She tells them her story; and they are very pity of her.
The first says Даня: You can live with us!!!!!The second (Аня) Be our sister!
The sixth(Аглая) But you must keep all things in order
The third(Ваня): and cook for us
The fifth ( Игорь): And don’t touch my things. They are mine!!!!!The fourth(Соня): You have to clean our house and wash the dishes!!!!
The seventh(Василиса): If you agree stay and live with us happily!
Snow-White:I agree!!! I agree!!!!I will be the best sister for you!!!!!Nastya: Day by day The dwarfs work all day long, seeking for gold and silver in the mountains. And Snow-White was at home, doing things about the house.
Nestor: One day she washed the dishes and looked through the windaw. She saw the Prince.
Prince.( Вадим) Oh, what a beautiful girl!!! What is your name?
Snow-White:I am Snow-White.
Prince.( Вадим) You are so nice! I am riding for a long time. I am so hungry and thirsty. Could you give me something to eat and to drink!
Snow White: Yes, of course! Here you are!
Prince.( Вадим)Oh, thank you very much! You are so kind and lovely. I have never met so wonderful lady! I will be back! Wait for me!
Snow White: Good bye, my dear prince!
Nastya: Meanwhile the Queen believed that Snow-White was dead.
Nestor: One day she looked at the magic mirror and asked:
Polina: «Tell me, mirror, tell me true!Who is the most beautiful of all?»
Mirror: «You, my Queen, are fine, it’s true. But the most beautiful girl in the world is Snow-White.She lives in the forest with seven little dwarfs.»Nastya: The Queen got very afraid and very angry.( грозная музыка)
Nestor: The Queen couldn’t believe that anyone was more beautiful than she was.
Polina: «Snow-White will die even if it cost me my life!»Nastya: So she took a poisoned apple and went outside. The apple looked very rosy and tasty but everyone who bite it will die in a moment.
Nestor: She put on the poor dress and goes to the dwarfs’ house.She knocked at the door.
Snow White: «Hello!». «I do not let you in because the dwarfs have told me not.»Polina: Do as you please, but just take this pretty apple. It’s my present for you!».
Snow White: No!I don’t take it because it might be poisoned.»
Polina: «No, little silly! It isn’t poisoned. Come on! Eat one half of it and make a wish, and I will eat another. It is safely!
Snow-White: I want to meet the Prince again, to marry him and to live happily
together… (She bites the apple and falls down)
Nestor: One half of it was poisoned, but another was normal. The Queen tasted the good half and gave the poisoned half to Snow-White. The girl believed her and tasted it and fell down in a moment.
Polina: This time nothing will save you!HA-HA-HA! Where is my magic mirror! «Tell me, mirror, tell me true!Who is the most beautiful of all?»
Mirror: «You, my Queen, are the finest and the most beautiful lady in the world.»Nastya: the dwarfs came home
4th Dwarf: Snow-White, we are coming!
5th Dwarf: We are hungry!
6th Dwarf: Look! What is it? Is she sleeping?
Nastya: , they found Snow-White lying on the ground. She had no breath……. They cried!
7th Dwarf: No! She is dead!
2nd Dwarf: But she doesn’t look like a dead person!
3rd Dwarf: She is as beautiful as before!
1st Dwarf: We will build a glass coffin and place her in it. It will stand in the cave,
and we will come and talk to our lovely Snow-White every day.
Nestor:Snow white was lying there for a long time.
1st Dwarf: : Look! Who is it? Why is he so sad?
The third(Ваня) It’s the Prince. He loves Snow-White and wants to marry her.
Prince.( Вадим) I am looking for Snow-White everywhere. But nobody knows where she is.
The second (Аня) Come here! She is here!
Prince: Snow-White! Is she dead? No, I don’t believe it!
Snow-White: My Prince! It’s a dream!
Prince: No! I am here! Marry me! We will go to my castle and live happily
(The dwarfs enter.)
5th Dwarf: Look! Our Snow-White is alive!
Dwarfs (together): Hurray!
7 dwarfs:: Good! Everybody is happy!Yes. Bad magic doesn’t work when the two loving hearts are together.
The End