Сценарий утренника на английском языке Snow-White And Seven Gnomes ( the 1st form)

Storyteller 1: Ladies and Gentlemen! Listen to the beautiful story of Snow-White.
Storyteller 2: Once upon a time there lived a beautiful and kind princess Snow-White. She had an angry Step-Mother.

Storyteller 3: The angry Step-Mother was jealous about the beauty of Snow- White.
Step-Mother: Dear Mirror, tell me please! Most beautiful who is?
Mirror: You are beautiful, of course! But Snow-White’s the most!
Step-Mother: Send away this little girl! I don’t want her any more!
Snow-White: Poor I am! Where is my Prince? Come and save me!
Storyteller 1: Snow-White runs and runs away. Now she is in the wood.
Storyteller 2: Who’s that? 7 little gnomes. (Гномы выходят на сцену и поют песню “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday…”).
Storyteller 3: They live in the wood and they are very friendly.
7 gnomes (all together): Who are you?
Snow-White: I am a poor Snow-White. My Step-Mother sent me away, because I am very beautiful.
7 gnomes (all together): Stay with us! You are a good girl!
Snow-White: Thank you very much!
Prince: I can hear a beautiful song! Who’s that? Maybe a Princess?7 gnomes (all together): Wow! A prince!
Prince: Who are you? You are so beautiful and you sing so well!
Snow-White: I am a poor Snow-White. My Step-Mother sent me away, because I am very beautiful.
Prince: Oh, dear Snow-White! Please, marry me! I love you!
Snow-White: Of course! I love you, too!
Everybody: We’ll be happy every day the whole year!