Сценарий сказки Три медведя на английском языке

Goldilocks and the Three BearsParticipants:
NarratorMummy-BearGoldilocksDaddy-BearGoldilocks’s MotherBaby-BearAnimals (Cat, Butterfly, Hare, )  
Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a nice girl. Her name was Goldilocks. She lived with her family near the forest. One day she asked her mother...
Goldilocks: Mummy, may I go for a walk to the forest?
Mother: Yes, dear. Take some food for lunch and be careful.
Goldilocks: Yes, Mummy. Good bye!
Mother: Good bye.
Narrator: And Goldilocks goes to the forest. There are a lot of animals there. They play hide-and-seek, run, jump and sing merry songs.
Goldilocks plays and sings with animals. Suddenly Goldilocks sees a big house.
Goldilocks: Oh! What a nice house. Who lives there, I wonder? I’m tired, I’m hungry, I want to sleep.
Goldilocks enters the house.
Narrator: And to the house comes Goldilocks and on the door she gives three knocks.
Mummy Bear: My dear family, I`ve prepared some porridge. Take your seats at the table.
Daddy Bear: Oh, it smells so nice! I`m hungry! I want to taste it, but it`s very hot!
Baby Bear: I`m very hungry! I like porridge! But it`s very hot!
Mummy Bear: The weather is fine! Let`s go for a walk in the wood. We`ll eat it later.
SCENE 4 (In the house).Goldilocks: Nobody is in (sees a table with 3 plates full of porridge).
Oh! Porridge! (She tries porridge from each plate.)
It’s too hot!
It’s too cold!
It’s right for me! (Eats porridge.)
SCENE 5 (In the house.)Narrator: Goldilocks is tired. She wants to sleep. She goes to a bedroom.
Goldilocks: (tries the largest bed) It’s too big! (tries the medium bed) It’s too soft! (tries the smallest bed) It’s right for me! (Goldilocks falls asleep.)
SCENE 6 (In front of a house.)
Narrator: Do you know who lives in this house? – The three Bears: Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear. Now they are back from the forest. Poor Goldilocks!
The bears are entering their house.
SCENE 7 (In the house.)Mummy: (looks at the table) The plates aren’t in the right places!
Daddy: Who has eaten from my plate?
Mummy: Who has eaten from my plate?
Baby: Who has eaten my porridge all up?
The Bears go to the bedroom.
Mummy: The pillows aren’t in the right places!
Daddy: Who has slept in my bed?
Mummy: Who has slept in my bed?
Baby: Who is sleeping in my bed?
Goldilocks opens her eyes and sees the bears.
Goldilocks: Help! Help!
Goldilocks tries to run away from the bears.
Animals run into the bears’ house.  Don’t hurt her!
Cat: Don’t hurt her! She is a kind ,she is a nice girl.
Butterfly: Don’t hurt her! She is our friend.
Hare 1: Don’t hurt her! We played with her in the forest.
Hare 2: Dear Bears! Let her go and we’ll help you about the house.
Mummy: OK! Your friend is my friend!
Daddy: And my friend is your friend!
Goldilocks: Thank you ,my dear friends. Let’s sing together!
All: We all need friends,We need to care,We all need friends,We need to share. 
All are singing “The more we are together..”.