Рекомендации для выполнения задания №3 устной части ЕГЭ

Рекомендации для выполнения задания №3 устной части ЕГЭ

При выполнении третьего задания обратите внимание, что вам надо сказать 12 – 15 предложений за 2 минуты. Следуйте заданиям плана. Лучше, если Вы его выучите наизусть. В каждом задании план один и тот же. Постарайтесь сказать по 3 предложения на каждый пункт плана. Тогда у Вас получится ответ из 15 предложений. Помните, что количество предложений оценивается.
При выполнении третьего задания Вам необходимо сделать вступление и заключение. Вы можете начать описание фотографии со слов: When travelling I always take a lot of photos. Now I’m going to speak about one of them.
Говоря о фотографии, Вы можете употребить следующие слова и выражения:
In the centre of the photo, in the foreground, in the background, at the top/bottom of the photo, As you can see, in my opinion, I think, I guess, I suppose, besides, more than that, what’s more, in fact, I decided to

Далее приводится примерный образец ответа задания №3 устной части.

Task 3. Imagine that these are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to present to your friend.
You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more
than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

·where and when the photo was taken

·what/who is in the photo
what is happening
why you keep the photo in your album

·why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting
with: "I’ve chosen photo number "

I have chosen photo number . I took
· this photo last summer when I was in the camp. I was there with my friends. And I made a lot of friends in the camp, too.

In the foreground there are a lot of boys and girls doing some exercises. The day is warm and the sun is shining brightly. Practically all the children are wearing T-shirts and shorts. In fact, they are getting ready for a sports festival. Besides, they are singing some fascinating song as they are doing their exercises to the music. What’s more, they enjoy doing that. I suppose, physical exercises are the most popular ones in the camp.

I took this picture/ I decided to take this picture to save this beautiful / exciting / interesting / amazing moment in my memory. More than that, it’s a good way to remember funny days of my summer holidays and my friends.

I decided to show this picture to you to draw your attention to physical exercises. Moreover, I’d like to prove you that they are fun. / to remind you of our funny holidays / to invite you to summer camp next time.