Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме Global Issues по учебнику Spotlight Модуль 5а/b

Урок английского языка в 8 классе по учебнику Spotlight. Модуль 5.
Учитель: Фатхуллина Альмира Рафитовна, МОАУ СОШ №13 г.Нефтекамск
Тема урока:
Цель урока: повторить и закрепить лексику уроков 5а и 5b о глобальных проблемах, научить их описывать.
Задачи урока:
Обучающие: научить описывать природные катаклизмы с точки зрения разных категорий людей;
Развивающие: развивать память и мышление, развивать устную и письменную речь;
Воспитательные: воспитывать коммуникабельность, научить находить выход из разных трудных ситуаций, не пасовать перед проблемами.
Оснащение: авторская презентация к уроку, картинки с изображениями разных природных катаклизмов и других глобальных проблем, карточки с индивидуальными заданиями для групп, карточки с домашним заданием индивидуально для каждого обучающегося, видео о лавине для группового задания на уроке, 3 видео для домашнего задания в сообществе Enjoy English with Almira Rafitovna в интернете.Ход урока
T: Good afternoon, dear children! Good afternoon, dear guests!
Let’s begin our lesson!...or start? Oh, I’m a bit confused!..Begin or start, which word is correct?
Let’s do a little test on the words “Begin & Start”. You will find it easily with the link I have posted in our internet group Enjoy English With A.R. Check yourselves afterwards using. The Internet will give you the result at once .(Ученики выполняют онлайн тест и записывают результаты на листке, сдают учителю)
T: What are your results? Write them on the cards and hand them in, please.
Thank you.
(Ученики сдают работы учителю)
T : Now we can really begin our lesson. Can you guess what topic we are going to discuss today?
P: I think we will continue working on our topic GLOBAL ISSUES.
T: You are right, my dear. And today we will try to use all our new words which we learnt at the previous lessons very intensively. First of all let’s play a bit with the words of our lesson:
Phonetic exercise
[au]- drought, drown, amount,
[л] – flood, hurricane
[ei] – tornado, endangered, labour [a:] – tsunami, disaster, armed
[з:] – earthquake, , occur, search
[ai] – cyclone, survivor, supplies
[эe] - avalanche, famine, habitat
[o:, o] – war, warming, cause, poverty
[эu] – global, homelessness
[i: , i] – species, extremely, increase
[dЗ] – injury, urgent, emergency, damage
Give the synonyms to the following words:
Occur -> happen, take place
Injured -> wounded
Famine -> hunger, starvationGlobal -> world, worldwide, overall
And give the opposites of the following:
Drought - floodWar - peace
Речевая зарядка. Ответы на вопросы.
Questions Answers
What natural disasters can happen on the Earth?
Different natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, avalanches, cyclones, droughts, tsunamis, hailstorms.
What is a tornado?
Tornado is a violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast.
What is a cyclone? Cyclone is a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round.
What is a hurricane? Have you ever been caught in a hurricane? Hurricane is an extremely violent wind or storm. Fortunately, I have never been caught in a hurricane.
What do you have to do if you have been caught in it?
Being caught in a hurricane you should run for a shelter and find there the safest part, keep far away from the windows, lie on the floor, better under the table, to avoid the wind.
What damage can such violent windstorms cause?
Roofs can be blown off and fall on people and cars, trees can be uprooted, broken and damage people and their property.
What is an earthquake?
Earthquake is a shaking of the ground.
What damage can an earthquake cause?
It can ruin the houses where people live and crack the roads. People can be buried under the ruins and die or get injured.
What is a drought?
Drought is a period of time with no rain.
What damage can a drought cause?
It harms the local economy by ruining the harvest, rivers become more shallow, everything suffers from the deficiency of water.
What is a flood? What damage can it cause?
Flood is a large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry. Floods can be caused by intensive snow melting, heavy rainfalls or by tsunamis and cyclones.
What is an avalanche? What damage can it cause?
12.Avalanche is a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain.
Avalanches can cause  damage to homes, habitat and property, as well as cause human deaths.
Which of the mentioned above natural disasters are common in our region?
13.In our region hurricanes, droughts, floods and avalanches are rather common.
Where may these natural disasters take place? Cyclones&tsunamis Tornadoes&hurricanes Avalanches
Floods Cyclones and tsunamis usually occur on the seashores. Tornadoes and hurricanes prefer plains and valleys. Avalanches can take place in mountainous areas.
Who comes to help people during such disasters? 15. Medical and rescue teams do.
What do medical teams do to help people?
16.They give survivors the emergency first aid.
What do resque teams do for people? How do they help them?
17. Rescue teams bring food and other supplies and distribute them to the people. They search for survivors.
Now, children, let’s do some exercises for our eyes! Up! Down! Left! Right!
And for our bodies!
Stand up please!
Hands up! Hands aside! Hands down!
Bend right! Bend left!
5. На стенах с 4 сторон четыре разные картинки или группы картин, изображающие
1) войну, беженцев
2) голод, бедность, бездомных, детский труд
3) исчезающие виды животных, глобальное потепление
4) ураган, торнадо и др. природные катаклизмы
Т: Look at the pictures on the walls and choose the picture you think reflects the most urgent global issue and go to that picture.
Дети подходят к картинке, которая, по их мнению, изображает наиболее насущную проблему.
Т: Which issue do you think is the most urgent nowadays? Why do you think so?
1) война, беженцы
I think that war is the most urgent issue because there are several places where it occurs on our planet and this country is involved in it from time to time.
Refugees are the most urgent issue now. People run away from places where they live because of different hostilities there.
2) голод, бедность, бездомные, детский труд
I think homelessness is becoming a very urgent problem because more and more people lose their homes and live rough.
Poverty is also rather urgent. Sometimes even in our city we can see people (beggars) who ask for money in the streets.
3) исчезающие виды животных, глобальное потепление
The climate on the earth is getting hotter and hotter and it is a very serious problem which is called global warming.
Some species of plants and animals have already disappeared and there are many endangered ones. This is a very urgent problem.
4) ураган, торнадо и др. природные катаклизмы
Natural disasters are not predictable and that is why are very dangerous. They really can become a serious problem because they damage people’s health and property.
Hurricanes for example occur in our Republic every year and cause bad damage. It is an urgent problem.
Heavy rainfalls can cause the floods even in our region to say nothing about snow melting in spring.
Формируем группы по разделению по картинкам. Рассаживаемся по группам.
T: Now, children, look at each other, you’ll be in one group. So we have 3/4 groups. Each group will have its individual task.
Now let’s begin checking what you have prepared at home.
5. Обсуждение проблем. Монологическая и диалогическая речь учащихся по выбранным проблемам. Проверка домашнего задания.
Dialogues about war. Monologues about a flood, homelessness. Reports about a hurricane, tornadoes,
avalanches etc.
T: You have done your homework very well children, but, unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to check all of you.
6. Выполнение заданий в группах.
T: Now I have prepared a very interesting task for you, children. You will see a video about one of the natural disasters and your task will be to make a report about it from the points of view of a rescue team, of a survivor and of a journalist.
Here are the cards with your tasks. And now let’s see the video.
Просмотр видео, демонстрирующее один из природных катаклизмов.
Выполнение заданий по карточкам.
Card 1
Make a report about the disaster you’ve just seen on the video as if you were in a medical team.
Use the following expressions:
Were called to help people – (нас) позвали помочь людям;
Were buried under the snow – были похоронены заживо под снегом;
To give them emergency first aid – оказать им первую помощь. Card 2
Make a report about the disaster you’ve just seen on the video as if you were a journalist.
Use the following expressions:
At 9.40 local time – в 9.40 местного времени;
Slid down with a high speed from the side of the mountain - сползло с большой скоростью с горы;
Buried alive – заживо похоронены;
Are trying to dig them out – пытаются выкопать
Card 3
Make a report about the disaster you’ve just seen on the video as if you were in a rescue team.
Use the following expressions:
A huge avalanche – огромная лавина;
Were buried alive under the snow – были похоронены заживо под снегом;
Are trying to dig them out – пытаются выкопать их;
Riding their snowmobiles – катались на снегоходах;
To find them alive – найти их живыми.
Card 4
Make a report about the disaster you’ve just seen on the video as if you were in a
Use the following expressions:
Was riding my snowmobile – катался на своем снегоходе;
Accidentally I hit the snowdrift – случайно задел сугроб;
Sliding from the side of the mountain – сползая с горы;
At a high speed – с большой скоростью;
Were buried alive – были похоронены заживо;
Hope to find them alive – надежда найти их живыми
Please, Group 1, read your individual task, etc. Now you have 4 minutes to make up a short report of the disaster.
Let’s listen to the 1st…group.
Предполагаемые ответы:
Card 1
We were called to help people who were buried alive under the snow. They can be injured or even dead. We are here to give them emergency first aid. Card 2
The avalanche that occurred at 9.40 local time in the Alps slid down with a high speed from the side of the mountain and buried alive several people on their snowmobiles. Lots of trees were broken. Now rescue and medical teams are trying to dig people out.
Card 3
There was a huge avalanche in this place and several people were buried alive under the snow. We came here as soon as we could and brought food and warm clothes. Now we are trying to dig them out but there is a little hope to find them alive.
Card 4
I was driving my snowmobile and turned back to my friends when suddenly I hit the snowdrift by accident and the snow began sliding from the side of the mountain. Its speed was so high that I wasn’t able to escape and was buried alive. Thanks to my friends I’m standing in front of you now, they were able to dig me out as quick as possible.
T: Well done, children. You coped with your task very well.
7. Объяснение индивидуальных и групповых домашних заданий по карточкам. Ссылка на сообщество вк. (карточки прилагаются, есть в группе в к)
T: At home you will also have to watch the video. You will find it in our group as well. Your task is to comment on the song of Michael Jackson, etc …(see the cards below)
Card 1
Make a report about the hurricane in the village of Karievo in Bashkortostan you’ve seen on the video as if you were
in a rescue team
a journalist
a survivor
Card 2
Make a report about the war in the Ukraine and how it involved civilians from the point of view of
a civilian
a journalist
a warrior
Card 3
Make a report about the video of Jackson’s song.
What global issue does it show?
What ways of solving the problem do you suggest?
Card 4
8. Рефлексия.
T: What new things have we learnt at the lesson? What can we do now? What topic can we discuss? What mark do you think you get at this lesson? Why?