Разработка по английскому языку для 8 класса на тему Family values
The 8th of September 8 Grade
Theme: Step 3. Family values.
Type of the lesson: interactive, group
Aim: Educational: enter and secure the lexical material on « Family values », to explain the grammar "Future Continuous";
Developing: develop cognitive interest of students, increase motivation to learn a foreign language, improve reading skills, skills training dialogic speech.
Educational: inculcate interest in learning a foreign language, to be friendly each other.
Methods: verbal, practical
Equipment: cards, slides, pictures
Expected result: students know about family values
Stages of the lessonActivity of the teacherInformation spaceStudent activityI block. Objective1. Organization moment Welcomes students, check the readiness of the workplace. Good morning !I’m glad to see you! How are you? Are you ready for the lesson? Chorus responsible for the teacher’s greeting
2 Targeting Motivation
Proposes to determine the topic of the lesson by looking at the illustration in the book, to formulate goals and objectives of the lesson Open your books on p 11, look at the theme of the lesson and say Have you ever heard seen about strong wind like tornado? What is tornado?
Called the topic of the lesson, formulate goals and objectives of the lesson with the teacher
3 Phonetic drill updates the rules of reading, offers a set of words containing the particular reading. introduces active vocabulary lesson on the topiclook at the poster and remember the rules of reading. Now read the words on the blackboard, using the rules:
idiom [idiәm] идиома violent [vaiәnt] шиддатли value [vælju:] аҳамият strike [straik] урмоқ, урилмоқ frightened [fraitәnd] қўрққан towards [tәwα:dz] бир нарсага томон notice [nәutis] огоҳлантирмоқ, сезмоқ squawk [ skwɔːk ] қурқурламоқ rush [rΛ∫] шошилмоқ storm [ stɔːm ] бўрон cellar [ ˈselər ] ертула safe [ seɪf ] хавфсиз hit [hit] урмоқ barn [ bɑːn ] омбор alive [ əˈlaɪv ] тирик survive [ səˈvaɪv ] тирик қолмоқ Reproduce the rules of reading, reading these words, applying the rules
II block. Procedure: 4 Actualization / speech work outPrompts you to answer a few questions as an introduction to the topic of the lesson, give talks What will the farm look like when they come out of the storm cellar? Will the house still be standing? Will the barn still be standing?
Today we are going to talk about Family values and answer some questions and discuss the text. Open your books and let’s read and translate the text.
Students answer the teacher's questions
5 Application of knowledge (listening, word, letter) А) offers work with text (complete analysis of the content, the conversation on the text-based exercises, preparation for restatement)
Ex. 7 on p.13. Say what a person will be doing at a definite future moment.
Ex. 4 (2) p. 14. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?
Students read the text, each group knew each content of his text, together answer questions
6 ControlPrompts to make fixing the lexical-grammatical exercises And now you are to say what you’ve remembered at this lesson
First talk to your partner then have a class discussion.
Can you say anything interesting about your relatives?
Perform the task of the group
III unit. Analytical7 Reflection. Summing up the results Discussion difficulties compilation lessonWhat was the most difficult for you at this lesson?
I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you. What have you learnt today?
The marks for the lesson are…
Discuss with the teacher, forecast errors and correct answers
8 Information about homeworkRequests to record homework, explains. 1) learn the words
2) to retell the text
3) ex. 8 on p. 13