Урок по английскому языку 7 класс «American, British and Kazakh holidays and traditions»
Сабақтың тақырыбы: «American, British and Kazakh holidays and traditions»
Сабақтың мақсаты:
Өтілген жаңа сөздерді қайталау, «holidays» тақырыбымен жұмыс түрлерін, әртүрлі тапсырмалар беру арқылы бекіту.
Логикалық ойлау қабілетін, аударма жасау, сауатты жазу қабілетін арттыру.
Шығармашылық ой-өрісін дамыту, өзге елдердің мәдениетін меңгеру.
Туған ел және шетел дәстүрін таныстыру, ұйымшылдыққа, іскерлікке, белсенділікке баулу. Елін сүюге, салт-дәстүрін дәріптеуге тәрбиелеу.
Тақтада әр мерекеге байланысты суреттер, үстел үстінде әр елдің жалауы және ел аты.
Музыка әуенінде интерактивті тақтада презентация жүріп жатыр...
Teacher: Good morning dear children and guests! Glad to see you! Today we are going to speak about holidays and traditions in Great Britain, America and in Kazakhstan. I hope you you’ll enjoy our English lesson. Please, be active and friendly to each other.
Task1. Every nation and every country has its own traditions and holidays. In Great Britain, America and in Kazakhstan traditions play very important role in the life of people.
And now let’s speaks about holidays in Great Britain, America and Kazakhstan and then you’ll answer my questions and do some tasks.
Task2. : Look at the interactive board.
And now answer my questions and when you’ll answer the questions martch the pictures
What holiday is it?
When it is celebrated?
Task3 : Who want to be the best?
Task 4: Yesterday I received a letter from America. The American boy Jacky described New Year’s Day but he made some mistakes and left out the verb to be. Please, read the letter and correct the mistakes:
“Today _____ New Year’s Day and my family and I _____ at home. It_____ New Year’s Eve yesterday and we ____ in our city shopping for present. It____ not cold yesterday but it ____ snowing outside. We___ not cold because there____ warm in the living room when we came home yesterday. I like this holiday and I _____ very happy today!”
(Keys: is, are, was, were, was, was, were, was, am)
Task 5:
Task 6.T: Guess what people usually wish to each other in holidays. Make a wish, please.
1 The Year’s the holiday of first is New Day year.
(Key: The first holiday of the year is New Year’s Day.)
2. October on is celebrated 31 Halloween.
(Key: Halloween is celebrated on October 31.)
3. biggest one Kazakhstan is of the Nauryz holidays in.
(Key: Nauryz is one of the biggest holidays in Kazakhstan. )Task7.
Complete these clauses with information of your own and compare with partners.
April Fool's Day is a a day when________________________________
The Fouth of July is the day when_____________________________
May Day is a day when______________________________________
(Key: 1. day when people play tricks on friends.2) when Americans celebrate their Independence. 3) when people in many countries honour workers.)
T: My dear children it’s time finish our lesson. You’ve learned a lot about holidays and traditions in America, Russia and Great Britain. Please, express your opinion about our lesson and draw a picture of our lesson in 3-4 minutes.