Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 10 классе по учебнику Английский в фокусе Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В, Дженни Дули, базовый уровень, М.:Express Publishing Просвещение, 2015г. Раздел 3. Чтение. Тема: Типы школ и школьная Жизнь.
Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 10 классе по учебнику "Английский в фокусе" Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В, Дженни Дули, базовый уровень, М.:Express Publishing; Просвещение, 2015г.
Раздел 3. Чтение. Тема: "Типы школ и школьная Жизнь."
Цель: первичное закрепление нового материала
Задачи: прогнозирование содержания текста; чтение текста с выбором определенной информации; выражение своего отношения к прочитанному. Знакомство с школами в разных странах.
Этапы урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
Good morning, boys and girls!
I'm glad to see you.
Good morning, teacher!
We are glad to see you, too.
Речевая зарядка
Say how you feel today and may sit down.
I'm ... cheerful, confident ...( учащиеся дают ответы о том, как они сегодня чувствуют и садятся)
Фонетическая зарядка
You look wonderful today!
Проговаривают джазовку:You look wonderful today. -So do you. You look wonderful today. -So do you. That's a nice colour on you.-Thanks a lot. That's a nice colour on you.-Thanks a lot. I'm glad you like it. That's a wonderful colour on you.-Thanks a lot. I'm very glad you like it.
Определение темы урока.
Look at the screen, please. You can see a cartoon. Guess what we are going to speak about today.
(смотрят фрагмент мультфильма о школе и определяют тему урока)
P1: I think we are going to speak about school.
Yes, that's right. Now open your textbooks. Page 46. Check if you are right.
Read the title of module 3a.
Types of schools and school life.
Основная часть урока
Ex.1(a) p.46 Match the types of schools 1-6 to the descriptions A-F.
What type of school do you go to?
1-F, 2-D, 3-A, 4-E, 5-B, 6-C.
I attend state co-educational school.
1 Чтение с выбором верной информации
Look at part B. Read the statements. Mind your sounds, please.
Which ones are true for your school?
Now say what you would like to change in your school.
Учащиеся читают предложения части Б
A school is for boys and girls.
A school owned by the government.
1. I don't like wearing school uniform.
2. I would like to have a selection of foreign languages.
3. I'd like to have more extra-curricular activities.
4. I don't like having a lot of homework.
5. I'd rather have not so many rules.
2 Просмотровое чтение
Now let's read the text. Ex.2, p.46. Read the text and la
· Выполнение задания многочисленного выбора
Look at ex.3, p.47. Do the task of multiple choice. Choose the best word for each gap.
Now listen and check your answers.
Учащиеся дают свои ответы самостоятельно в тетрадях.
1-D, 2-B, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A, 6-B, 7-A, 8
4 Чтение с извлечением детальной информации
Close your books and say what you remember about school in different countries.(ex.4,p.47)
Sample answers: At Eton College in England students wear uniforms.
It takes a long time for Japanese children to get to school on public transport. и т.д.
5 Аудирование
And now a surprise!
Today you have a guest at our lesson. Before he became a student of this school, he studied at another school in another city.
Listen to him and get ready to ask questions for more information.
Рассказ одного из учащихся 11 класса: Some years ago I was a student of an economical secondary school in Moscow. It was a modern four-storied building with new equipment for students and teachers. I've got a good chance to compare schools. This school is smaller but more cozy. There are fewer teachers, so all students know them. There were more students there, so they didn't know each other. But here we know each other well, and for me it's better when I've got a lot of friends.
Учащиеся слушают рассказ о школе в Москве учащегося 11 класса. После прослушивания задают вопросы.
How long have you been learning at this school?
Were the teachers more strict there?
Did you have a favourite teacher there?
Do you have a favourite teacher here?
What advice can you give us and future students of this school?
6 Работа с песней(аудирование и чтение)
Listen to the song and fill in the gaps.
The Homework Song by Bryant Oden.
Before I answer the question
Did I do my homework?
I'd like to take this opportunity to say
You are the greatest teacher
That I've ever had.
Understanding and forgiving
Especially today.
Now I can't remember
The question that you asked me.
But you look really nice today.
Of course, you always do.
Anyway, I guess we should
Let you get back to teaching.
All the kids are waiting.
But it was great talking to you.
Yes, all the kids are waiting
To learn from a great teacher like you.
Before I_______the question
______ I do my homework?
I'd like to take this ______ to say
You are the _______ teacher
That I've ever had.
Understanding and forgiving
Especially ___________.
Now I can't _____________
_________that you asked me.
But you look really _____ today.
_________, you always do.
_________, I guess we should
Let you get back to _________.
All _________are waiting.
But it was great _______ to you.
Yes, __________ are waiting
To learn from a great ________ like you.
Заключительный этап урока: выставление оценок, домашнее задание.
Well, the lesson is over. Your marks for today are ....
Your homework is ex.6 p.47. Write a short article about your school according to the plan(60-80 words).
Thank you. Good bye.
Good bye, teacher.