Откритый урок по английскому языку на тему What should you do to keep fit?(6 класс)

Сыныбы: 7
Сабақтың тақырыбы : What should you do to keep fit?
Жалпы мақсаты : Блум технологиясы және СТО технологиясы арқылы ойлау қабілеттерін арттыру. Сөйлеу дағдыларын қалыптастыру
күтілетін нәтиже : Сыни ойлана алады.
Сөздік қоры молаяды.
әдіс-тәсілдер : Топтық жұмыс, жұптық жұмыс, постер
модульдер: Акт –ны пайдалану
Оқытуды басқару және көшбасшылық. Жас ерекшеліктеріне сәйкес оқыту. Сыни тұрғыдан ойлау.Оқыту мен оқудағы жаңа тәсілдер.Талантты және дарынды балаларды оқыту.Оқыту үшін бағалау және оқуды бағалау
Teacher's activity Pupil's activity
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі 3мин
-Stand up, please. Good morning, boys and girls.
-I am glad to see you.
- Thank you, how are you?
-Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Who is on duty today?
- Answer my questions, please. What date is it today?
- What day of the week is it today?
- Who is absent today?
- Very well.
Divide the class into 2 groups the first group is "should " the second is "shouldn't" Pupils: good morning teacher, we're fine.
I'm on duty today........
Білу: 5 мин
Brainstorming: look at the blackboard what are they doing and why?(on the blackboard will be shown the pictures things a person can do to take care of their health) I'll give cards that to know about fit.
which one of them don't belong to these list?
The first card for the level "a" ex 1
a) ill b)doctor c)sleep d)headache
sick nurse take care of a sore throat
sad teacher nurse toothache
unwell chemist look after pill
The second card for the level 'B' ex 2
Here are some things a person can do to take care of his/her health
Make up sentence using these activities and give advice to your partner.
The third card for the level "c" ex 3
Complete one of sentence and hand it to your teacher the other pupils will try to guess which sentence is yours. Pupil try to do tasks
/Түсіну: 8 мин
To explain the grammar: Be able to do
For ability or opportunity we use be able to
Present: am/ is/ are able to do smth.
F.E: Kate is good with computer. she is able to write programs.
Past: was able to do smth.
F.E: He got up early. He was able to come to work in time.
Future: will be able to do smth.
F.E: I don't have enough money. I won't be able to buy a new mobile.
Work at vocabulary: Let's repeat our new words.
Lift, climb, recent, nowadays, junk food.
Task for the level "a"
Copy out activities of Mr. White and write down theirs transcribe.
Task for the level "b"
Make up sentence using grammar on looking picture.
Task for the level 'C"
Complete the Venn diagram about you and Mr. White that what were you able to do when you were 10 and what was he able to do when he was young. Pupil try to listen and repeat, solve the problem
Қолдану: 10 мин
The first task for the level "a"
Read the text and find out unknown words where you've met then write out on your notebook.
The second task for the level" b"
Translate the text.
The third task for the level "c"
Find the highlighted words from the text which mean the same.
They read and try to do ex
Талдау: 5 мин
The first task for the level "a"
Read ex 10 at page 119 and answer the questions "yes" or " no"
Are they boy?
Do they eat unhealthy food?
Does Mike think that the survey is wrong?
Does Pat walk to school ?
The second task for the level" b"
Complete the Venn diagram.
Mick's difference
survey is wrong plays basketball does ex
plays bas
Pat's difference
survey is right
tv, by car,
The third task for the level "c"
Analyze the ex 10.
The authors:_________
The theme:__________
The type: f.e: text, poem, story_______
The idea:___________
The sentence:____________ Pupils try to answer the questions, to complete, to analyze.
Жинақтау: 5мин
The first task for the level "a"
Ex 11 Match the Kazakh word with the English.
Exercise құнарсыз тамақ
junk food қазіргі таңда
recent мүмкіндік
nowadays соңғы
able to жаттығу
The second task for the level" b"
Write about these things and read it to the class. What's good or bad about them.

The third task for the level "c"
Write a letter to Pat and Mick giving advice use the modal verb "should or be able to do"
Pupils try to match, to write, to solve the problem
Бағалау 5 мин
The first task for the level "a"
What are you able to do now?
Your friend is fat give him/her 1 good advice.
The second task for the level" b"
What were you able to do when you were 10?
Are you fit as your parents ?
The third task for the level "c"
What will you be able to help if your friends have a problem as a Pat?
What should you do to keep fit? They try to discuss the problem.
Home task 2 min The first task for the level "a"
to learn by heart new words
The second task for the level" b"
Ex 5-6 write sentences about what were you able to do when you were 10.
The third task for the level "c"
Make up crossword. Write on a diary.
Reflection of the lesson: 1 min
2 stars, 1 offer.
I like ……………
It seems ……………
During a lesson ……My mood was ………Methods of the lesson....................