План урока по английскому языку на тему: Partnership in the epoch of changes
Form: 10
СабақUnit 4. Step 1. Тақырып: Partnership in the epoch of changes
Оқу-тәрбие істерінің мақсаттары мен міндеттері:
1.Білімділік: Оқушылардың сөздік қорын молайта отырып, жаңа мәтінмен жұмыс жасау, грамматикалық құрылымдарды қайталау.
2. Дамытушылық:Ойлау қабілеттерін жан-жақты жетілдіруге ықпал ету.
3. Тәрбиелік: Достыққа, жолдастыққа тәрбиелеу.
Құрал-жабдықтар: Видео, слайд, флипчарт (АКТ)
Сабақ түрі:Аралас сабақ
Әдіс-тәсілдер:Сөйлеу, жазу, оқу.
Cабақ барысы:
1. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі:
- Good morning, boys and girls!-How are you?-Who is on duty today?-What date is it today?-Who is absent?
2. Үй тапсырмасын тексеру:
Revision of materials in the first term
3. Қайталау. Білімді бақылау:
Деңгейлік тапсырма
1. Сөздердің аудармасын қазақша жазу. gorge n. refrigerate v. dike n. ascent n. landslide n. extend v. emerge v. superstition n. inhabit v. trim v.2. Артығын алып таста. a) Nature water plant eye land b) Astana London Canada New- York Rome c) Volleyball jazz hockey tennis swimming 3. Ағылшынша 10 елдің атын жаз
4.Жаңа білімдерді қалыптастыру:
Ex.1 p.119 Brainstorming. There are international organizations in Kazakhstan. What are they Ex.2. p.119 Make a list of those international organizations which work in Kazakhstan. Then compare your list the class. Ex.4. p.119 Looking are the emblems of some international organizations, which work in Kazakhstan. Guess them.
The world bank Save the Children
Tacis The British Council
Ex.5. p.119 Asking the questions:
What do the international organizations do in Kazakhstan?
Ex.6. p.120Vocabulary writing. Showing the pictures on the slide and reading the text Ex.6 (b)
Epoch [ ‘ı:pͻk] n. - дәуір
Partnership[ ‘pa:tnәʃıp] n. – қарым- қатынас, компания
Diplomacy [ dı’ tnәumәsı] n. - мәмлегерлік
Solid [ ‘sͻlıd] adj. -негізгі
Legal [‘lı:ɡәl] adj. -заңды
Disbursement [dıs’bә:sment] n. – төленетін ақша
Evolve [I’vͻlv] v. - даму
Steadily [‘stedılı] adv.- тұрақты, тиянақты
Mutual [‘mju:tʃuǝl] adj.- өзара
Create [‘krı(:)’eit]v.- жасау
Rapidky [‘ræpıdlı} adv.- тез, жылдам
Disburse [dıs’bǝ:s] v.- төлеу
Ex.8 p.121
a)Comprehension check. Correct the false statements
True (T) False (F)
The year of 2001 is a jubilee of the Kazakh diplomacy. __________ _________
The solid legal basis for mutual cooperation between Kazakhstan and the USA was created. __________ _________
A particular attention is not paid to training of Kazakhstan specialist. __________ _________
Over 40 scholars in 14 leading universities of the USA according to the US President’s program. __________ _________
The United States found Kazakhstan as a reliable partner in Central Asia __________ _________
Ex.9 p.121
Talking to their classmates, having a class discussion. Dividing into two groups
What do you think of Kazakhstan relations with the USA in different fields of life?
1st group 2nd groupAfter it learning the vocabulary.And reading the Ex 10.About Kazakhstan-USA relations.Ex.11 p.122
Talk to their class/group
Do you understand the word “ investment”?
b) Reading the definitions:
invest [ in’vest] vt.1. (often followed by in) apply or use (money) esp. for profit.
vt.2. put money for profit (into stocks).
Investment [in’vestmәnt] n. 1. Money invested.
2. property, in which money is invested.
What do you know about foreign investments in Kazakhstan?
What do you know about private foreign investments in Kazakhstan?
5.Жаңа білімді бекіту:
Ex.12 p.123
Reading the text and learning these words
Allocate [‘ælǝukeıt] v.-бөлу, белгілеу (to)
Insurance [ın’ᶴuǝrǝns]n.- сақтандыру
Potential [pǝu’tenᶴǝl] adj.- потенциалды
Ex13 p.123
Working with the grammar. Write out geographical and place names from the text.
Continents: We don’t use “the” with of continents.
Example: Europe,____________________________________________________________
Countries: We don’t use “the” with the names of countries, but we use “the” if the name includes words like “ republic”, “kingdom”, “states”.
Example: The United Kingdom, The Republic of Kazakhstan___________________________
Islands: group of islands have plural names with “the”
Example: The British Isles________________________________________________________
But individual island have plural names without “the”
Example: Ireland________________________________________________________________
cities: The names of cities, towns, villages do not have “the”
Example:London, Almaty, Astana __________________________________________________
At this lesson we work with the vocabulary, texts and repeat the grammar: the definite article.
Үйге тапсырма:
Writing out the new words of the texts and learn them by heart.
Ex.17 p.125 ( Preparing if as a project work!. Step 1)