Christmas Party.Методична розробка виховного заходу з англійської мови з використанням ІКТ у 1-б класі
( Методична розробка виховного
заходу у 1-а класі БСШ № 16 з використанням ІКТ)
Учитель-методист англійської мови
Хоменко Н.І
[ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть ссылку ] Бердянськ 2012р.
Christmas Party
(Лунає різдвяна мелодія,класна кімната прикрашена дитячими малюнками та постерами ,в залі всі готові до свята і вчитель звертається до присутніх)
Dear children and parents! On the 25th of December people celebrate Christmas –a beautiful holiday, which is loved by chil
·hristmas bell.
I like to sing a Christmas song
When I sing you hear me ring
Ding-dong, ding-dong.
(Let’s sing a song “On Christmas Day”)
(Діти співають пісню « В Різдвяний День»)
Teacher: Dear children! Look at our classroom! It is so beautiful and nice. Your wonderful drawings are displayed on the walls. You can see a lot of Christmas symbols. What are they? Can you name them?
(Santa Claus, stocking, holly, candles, stars, r
· Діти прикрашають ялинку)
Thank you! It’s great! You’ve decorated our Christmas tree! And now let’s sing a song about our Christmas tree.
(Children sing a song ”It is winter, it is Christmas)
Pupil 5: We have a fir-tree in the hall
·(Діти грають в гру)
Santa Claus: What a beautiful reindeer we have! Let’s sing a song “Jingle Bells”( Діти співають пісню“Jingle Bells”)
Teacher: Traditionally English children hang up a long stocking at the end of the bed on Christmas Eve. Santa Claus is supposed to visit each house at night by climbing down the chimney. In the morning they find their stocking filled with small toys, fruit and sweets.
Look at our stockings hanging by the fireplace. We are going to play the game ”Fill the Christmas Stocking”
Supplies: three stockings, three big spoons, three baskets with tangerines, apples, nuts, kiwis and wrapped candies.
How to play: divide into teams. Have children line up at the end of the hall. At the other end hang a Christmas stocking for each team. Place a basket filled with fruits and sweets in front of each team. Each child takes a turn taking a something from the basket with the spoon. They then carry it on the spoon to the stocking and drop it in the stocking. Race back to the next person in line, give him the spoon. First team to fill the stocking wins.
Santa Claus: Well done! Your Christmas stockings are filled. It’s time to finish our party. I have some presents for you, my dear friends! Merry Christmas! I wish you to be healthy, wealthy and wise. I hope to see you next year! Let’s sing a song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”.
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