Рабочая тетрадь по дисциплине ОГСЭ 03 иностранный язык для студентов многопрофильного колледжа СТРАНОВЕДЕНИЕ

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Магнитогорский государственный т ехнический университет им. Г.И. Носова» Многопрофильный колледж Г.И. Грипкова Рабочая тетрадь по дисциплине ОГСЭ 03 иностранный язык для студент ов многопрофильного колледжа СТРАНОВЕДЕНИЕ Магнитогорск 201 2 С трановедение 2 Рецензент: преподаватель высшей категории Многопрофильного колледжа Е.А. Миха йлова Грипкова Г.И. Страноведение: Рабочая тетрадь . Магнитог орск: Ф Г Б ОУ ВПО «МГТУ», 2012 . ‬ 70 с. Рабочая тетрадь ставит своей целью расширить знания студентов о стране изучаемого языка - Великобритании, а так же о США как одной из англоговорящих ст ран по средствам дальнейшего формирования навыков понимания и перевода текста страноведческого характера. Практическая цель находит свое отражени е в материалах, которые знакомят с географическими, природными и политическими особенностями этих стран, их кул ьтурой и достопримечательностями . Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов многопрофильного колледжа, изучающих дисциплину ОГСЭ «Иностранный язык» (английский). Многопрофильный колледж 3 Пояснительная записка Данная р абочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов Многопрофильного колледжа, изучающих дисциплину ОГСЭ «Иностранный язык» (английский), тема: «Странове дение» . Актуальность данной темы в курсе изучения иностранного языка очевидна. Язык формировался, существует и изменяется неразрывно с историей, культурой и развитием стра ны, где на нем говорят. Важно понимать, что овладение иноязычной речью не может ограничиваться знанием перевода лексических единиц. Необходимо так же иметь представление об иноязычных понятиях, характерных для каждой конкретно й страны. Поэтому составитель преследует цель не только закреплять лексический и грамматический материал, но и формировать у студентов адекватной современному уровню знаний картины мира и интеграции личности в систему мировой и национальной культур. Вниманию студентов представлено мног о информативных текстов с подробными комментариями и иллюстрациями. Однако при изучении тем не следует пренебрегать использованием дополнительной справочной литературой. Р абочая тетрадь состоит из двух частей ( Units ). Каждая часть посвящена изучению одной страны и состоит из серии уроков. Студентам предлагается познакомиться с Великобританией и США, их политикой, природой, культурой. В каждом уроке есть текст для обязательного изучения с комплексом упражнений. Они дают возможность студенту отработать употре бление лексического и грамматического материала, проверить свое понимание прочитанного и выразить личное мнение. Предусматривается письменное выполнение упра жнений непосредственно в тетради , что позволяет экономить время и упрощает работу. Перед выполнение м заданий рекомендуется прочитать текст, понять, о чем он, так как содержание заданий тесно связано с текстом. Для более глубокого изучения темы предлагаются дополнительные тексты ( additional texts ). Они содержат интересные и увлекательные факты по данной теме. Для проверки понимания содержания текстов есть задания. В качестве наглядного пособия используется электронное прил ожение . Оно содержит иллюстрации к темам «Великобритания» и «США» с краткими пояснениями. Слайды расположены в том же порядке, что и те мы в учебном пособии и настроены таким образом, что имеется возможность просматри вать интересующие темы. С трановедение 4 ВВЕДЕНИЕ В КУРС СТРА НОВЕДЕНИЯ Дорогой друг! В руках ты держишь рабочую тетрадь «Страноведение». С еѐ помощью ты познакомишься с такими странами, как Соединѐнное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и Соединѐнными Штатами Америки. Своѐ знакомство мы будем начинать с географического положения страны и для этого тебе необходимо выучить новые слова и выражения. Удачи ! Запомни новые слова - Reme mber the new words: country [`k  ntri] страна mountain [`mauntin] гора ocean [` f u  n] океан m ountain chain горная цепь sea [`si:] море plain [`plein] равнина river [`rivə] река dry land [`drai lænd] суша lake [`leik] озеро capital [`kæpitl] столица d esert [`dezət] пустыня city [`siti] город ( большой ) town [`taun] город island [`ailənd] остров isles [` ailz ] острова (группа) Grammar Артикль с географическими названиями Определѐнный артикль the с географическими названиями, как правило не употребляе тся. Определѐнный артикль the употребляется: 1) с названиями рек, морей, океанов: the Volga - Волга ( река ) ; the Mississippi - Миссисипи ( река ) the Black Sea - Черное море ; the North Sea - Северное море the Arctic Ocean - Северный Ледовитый океан 2) с назва ниями горных хребтов, групп островов, пустынь: the Highlands - Север о - Шотландское нагорье the British Isles - Британское острова 3) с названиями стран, состоящих из двух и более слов, и в названии которых есть слова Federation Федерация, Kingdom Королевств о, States Штаты, Republic Республика: сравните: Russ ia Россия the Russian Federation Российская Федерация 4) с названиями сторон света: the north ‬ север ; the south ‬ юг ; the east ‬ восток ; the west - запад Многопрофильный колледж 5 Упражнения 1 Лексические Дополните предложе ния новыми словам и и переведите Образец : _______ is a large area of sand with little plant life. Desert is a large area of sand with little plant life. Пустыня - это большая песчаная территория со скудной растительной жизнью. 1) Russia occupi es about one s eventh part of _______________ ____ . 2) The Bare nts, the Laptev, the White are _______ of the Arctic _____ . 3) The highest ______________ in the Caucasus is Mount Elbrus. 4) The Volga is the lon gest _____________ in Europe. 5) The Caspian Sea is famous a s t he biggest fresh ______ of the world. Грамматический материал a ) Предлог in W h ere ? Где ? in the north - на севере in the south - на юге in the east - на востоке in the west - на западе b) The passive voice to be + Participle II ( V3 ) В настоящем времени - Present Simple : i t is c alled назыв ается a m they are situated они находятся i s + V 3 the country is washed страна омывается a re the capital is located столица расположена Переведите следующие географические названия на русский язык. Поставьте определенный артикль the там, где это необход имо: _____ British Isles ____________ _____ _______________ ___ _____ Arctic Ocean _________ _______________________ _ __ _____ English Channel ___ ____________________________ _ ___ _____ Strait of Dover _____________ __________________ ___ _ _____ North Sea _______ ______ ___________________ ___ _____ Irish Sea _____________ ___________________ ___ _____ Great Britain _________ _______________________ ___ _____ England _______________________ _________ ___ _____ Wales _________ __________________________ С трановедение 6 _____ Scotland __ ____________ _____________________ _____ Northern Ireland ______________ ___________ __________ _____ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland _______ ________________________________________________________ _ _____ Highlands _____________ _________ _____________ _____ Severn _________ _________________________ _ _____ Thames ______ _____________________________ _____ London _________ __________________________ _____ Edinburgh _________ __________________________ _____ Cardiff _________ _______________ ___________ _____ Belfast _________ __________________________ Найдите толкования следующих слов в словаре и объясните, какое отношение они имеют к Соединенному королевству Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. Подготовьте небольшие сообщения : 1. a rose ____________________________ 2. а leek ____________________________ 3. a daf fodil _________________________ 4. a thistle ___________________________ 5. a shamrock ________________________ 6. Union Jack ________________________ Многопрофильный колледж 7 U NIT I THE UNITED KINGDOM O F GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Lesson I Страноведческий материал: г еографичес кое положение Грамматика : повторение (предлоги) Лексика: географические названия Great Britain The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Grea t Britain is surrounded by seas and is separated from the continent by the North Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. The rivers in Great Britain are not long, but many of them are deep. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the busiest and the most important river in England. The climate of Great Britain is mild. The Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of Gulf Stream influence the weather of the British Isles. It is often foggy and rainy. The summers are not very hot and the wint ers are not very cold. Winter temperature seldom falls below zero. The average January temperature is about 5 degrees above zero. February is the coldest month in Great Britain. But, of course, the climate is different in different parts of the country. In Scotland the climate is colder than that in England. There are many mountains in the north of England and in Scotland, but they are not very high. The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis. The north of Scotland is called the Highlands, while the south is known as the Lowlands. There are m any lakes in Scotland. The most beautiful lake is Loch Lomond. Great Britain has "park - like" appearance. The art of gardening has a very old tradition. The parks are pieces of country left in the middle of town. combination of sea and high land, the valleys and orchards of Kent, the lakes of Scotland, its fields, woods and parks. С трановедение 8 Remember geographical names - Запомни географические названия t he British Isles Британские острова England Англия Scotland Шотландия Wales Уэльс Northern Ireland Северная Ирландия t he North Sea Северное море t he English Channel пролив Ла Манш (Английский канал ) the Strait of Do ver Па - де Кале ( букв . Дуврский пролив) Kent графство Кент t he Severn река Северн t he Thames река Темза Gulf Stream Го льфстрим (теплое течение в Атлантическом океане) Loch Lomond Лох Л омонд the Highlands Северное наго рье, Северо - Шотландское нагорье t he Lowlands Шотландская низменность (район центральной Шотлан дии и долинах рек Форт и Клайд) Упражнения к тексту 1 Лексические a ) Read and translate sentences with geographical names - Прочитайте и переведите предложен ия с географическими названиями b ) Words revision - Повторение лексики What words have you remembered from Unit 1? Solve the crossword and check yourself. Какие слова вы запомнили из первой главы? Решите кроссворд и проверьте себя. Отгадайте слово по вертикали. 1. кл имат 2. туман 3. юг 4. океан 5. запад 6. озеро 7. река 8. север 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Многопрофильный колледж 9 2 Лексико - грамматические Fil l in the gaps with prepositions. Translate the sentences - Заполните пропуски предлогами. Переведите предложения. 1. The United King dom ____ Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated _____ the British Isles. 2. The climate ____ Great Britain is mild. 3. Winter temperature seldom falls ____ zero . 4. The average January temperature is about 5 degrees ______ zero . 5. There are many mountains ___ _ the north of England and ___ Scotland. 6. The parks are pieces of country left ____ the middle _____ town. 7. Great Britain is situated _____ the British Isles. 8. Great Britain is surrounded _____ seas. Check yourself Проверь себя Answer the following questions and speak about Great Britain using the map - Ответь на следующие вопросы и расскажи о Великобритании , пользуясь картой . 1. Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated? 2. What parts do es it consist of? 3. Is Great Britain surrounded by seas and separated from the continent by the North Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover? 4. What are the main rivers? What do you know about them? 5. Is the climate of Great Britain mild? Why? 6. Is it of ten foggy and rainy? 7. Are the mountains of Great Britain high? 8. What is the highest one? 9. Are there many lakes in Britain ? Show on the map where they are situated . 10. Does Great Britain have “park - like” appearance? Why? It’s interesting to know Additional texts Read these tex ts and do the test that follows - Прочитайте следующие тексты и выполните тест С трановедение 10 Stonehenge This prehistoric monument ( Fig. 1) consists of two circles of huge stone blocks. It is situated on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire. Inside there are two groups of stones in the shape of a horseshoe. No written record exists of the origins of the Stonehenge and it has always been surrounded by mystery. Fig. 1 Stonehenge At one time, people thought that Stonehenge was a Druid temple. It also thought th at it was a temple in honor of the sun god. The blocks were located according to some rules. That’s why on June 21 st , the longest day of the year, the rising sun faces the open part of the horseshoe and shines on the central stone. Comments Druid друид , жрец у древних кельтов i n the shape of a horseshoe в форме лошадиной подковы i t though считалось t emple храм Loch Ness The most famous lake is Loch Ness of Scotland because of the mystery of Loch Ness monster. According to one story some preh istoric creature swam into Loch Ness when it was still joined to the sea. And now its descendants live in this lake. But some people don’t believe this and are convinced that it was, for example ? a sunken tree. The mystery of Loch Ness monster has not been solved so far. But “Nessie” has certainly done some good. It has become a great tourist attraction, bringing a lot of money to the region. Comments p rehistoric creature доисторическое существо w as joined to the sea соединялось с морем d escendant потомок s unken tree з атонувшее дерево Многопрофильный колледж 11 Snowdonia The highest mountain in Wales is Snowdon (3,560 ft). It is not so high as Ben Nevis (4,406 ft) in Scotland but it is famous f or the very difficult climbing. It was here that Sir Edmund Hillary and his team practiced before their famous expedition to the top of Mount Everest in 1953. It is said that the legendary King Arthur and his knights lived in Snowdonia. Nowadays we can adm ire picturesque mountain scenery of Snowdonia. Comments King Arthur король Артур . Легендарный король бриттов, герой кельтских народных сказаний и центральный образ цикла рыцарских романов Круглого Стола; предполагаемым противником короля Артура был вождь силуров, живший в 6 в. k night рыцарь a dmire любоваться Giant ’ s Cau seway The Causeway ( Fig. 2) is a mass of stone columns standing very near foot and disappearing under the sea. Over the whole Causeway there are 40,000 of these stone columns. Th e tallest are about 42 feet (13 m) high. Visitors in modern times have been told that the Causeway is a strange geographical feature ‬ the result of volcanic action. But the Irish legend tells us that it was giants’ work, particularly the work of the gian t Finn McCool, the Ulster soldier and commander of the armies of the King of All Ireland. Comments Ulster Ольстер. Историческая обл асть на севере острова Ирландия c liff отвесная скала, утес p articularly в частности Fig. 2 Giant’s Causeway С трановедение 12 Test 1 What prehistoric monument consists of two circles of huge stone blocks? a. Snowdon b. Stonehenge c. Causeway 2 Where is Snowdon situated? a. in Wales b. in Scotland c. in Northern Ireland 3 At one time, people thought that Stonehenge was …. a. a Druid temple b. a famous mount c. a mysterious lake 4 Why is Loch Ness the most famous lake in Scotland? a. it was joined to the sea b. It is very deep and beautiful c. People saw a monster there 5 Where is Causeway situated? a. in England b. In Northern Ireland c. In Wales 6 What is t he highest m ountain in Wales? a. Ben Nevis b. Everest c. Snowdon 7 Where is Stonehenge situated? a. on Salisbury Plain b . in Northern Ireland c . in Wales Многопрофильный колледж 13 Lesson II Страноведческий материал: особенности государственного строя Лексика: новые слова по теме, ли нгвострановедчес кие особенности Грамматика : повторение Present Simple The Politic al System of T he United Kingdom is parliamentary monarch y . But it is well known that the monarchy today has no power. The Monarch is the official he ad of state and an integral part of Parliament in her constitutional role. She has mostly represen tative functions. The Quee n gives the royal assent to the bills passed by the House of Со mmons and the House of Lords. Her Majesty is the head of the Commonwealth of Nations. Some Briti sh people say that the c ountry does not need a king or a queen. They are sure that too much money is spen t on keeping up the monarchy. The Prime Minister is the head of Government. He is the leader of the party with the majority seats in the House of Commo ns. The Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet which consists of about twenty ministers and ernment departments. Another part of Government is non - Cabinet ministers. They are ministers who are not members of the C m akes major policy decisions, but they are collectively responsible for government decisions and individually responsible for their departments. As you know, a parliament is the group of people who make the l aws of their country. British laws are made in t he House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Commons is about 650 elected members of Parliament. It makes laws and dis cusses political problems. The members of the lower house, the House of Common s, are elected for a period of five years. The House of Commons can make any law for the whole or any part of the United Kingdom. Members of the House of Commons belong to different political parties, and the government of the country is formed by the part y, which has the greatest number of members elected to Parlia ment. The members of the House of Lords are not elected by the population. Many people in Britain say that the whole idea of the House of Lords is undemocratic. The House of Lords consists of ove r 1,100 permanent, non - elected members; peers and life peers . The House of Lords examines and revises bills from the House of Commons. This House can delay bills for one year. The third part of Parliament is the Official Opposition. It is the largest С трановедение 14 oppos ition party which forms the Shadow cabinet . The main politic al parties in Great Britain a re the Conservative and Liberal. Remember the new words - Запомните новые слова 1. elect ‬ выбирать 2. appoint - назначать 3. legislative ‬ законодательный 4. executive - исполнительный 5. judicial ‬ судебный 6. government - правительство 7. constitution ‬ конституция 8. law - закон 9. bill ‬ законопроект 10. veto - наложить вето 11. the Upper Cha m ber - верхняя палата 12. the Lower Camber - нижняя палата 13. power ‬ власть 14. royal assent - королевская санкция 15. decision - решение 16. to determine ‬ определять 17. to consist of - состоять из … 18. permanent ‬ постоянный 19. peer - пэр ( титул ) 20. to delay ‬ откладывать 21. to be respon sible for - отвечать за … Remember the proper names - Запомните имена собственные 1. the House of Lords палата лордов . Верхняя палата парламента. Архаическое учреждение. Невыборное. Участвует в осуществлении законодательных полномочий парламента, обладает пр авом отлагательного вето. 2. the House of Commons палата общин . Нижняя палата парламента. Играет главную роль в осуществлении его законодательных функций. 3. the Commonwealth of Nations Содружество Наций . Межгосударственное объединение Великобритании и большинст ва бывших английских доминионов, колоний и зависимых территорий. Создавалось Великобританией для сохранения ее экономических и военно - политических позиций в подвластных странах. Многопрофильный колледж 15 4. the Shadow cabinet теневой кабинет . Парламентский комитет главной оппозиционно й партии. Состоит из ведущих деятелей парламентской фракции этой партии. 5. the Conservative party консервативная партия . Одна из двух крупнейших буржуазных политических партий. Организована в 1867 на базе партии тори. Выражает интересы монополистической бурж уазии и крупных земельных собственников. 6. the Liberal party л иберальная партия . Образовалась на основе партии вигов в середине 19в. В 1981 сформировала альянс с Социал - демократической партией. Упражнения к тексту 1 Лексические a) Find read and transla te sente nces with the new words - Найдите, прочитайте и переведи те предложения с новыми словами b) C omplete the gaps with the new words. Translate the sentences - Заполните пропуски новыми словами. Переведите предложения 1. The monarchy today has no ____________ _. 2. The Queen gives the ______________ _________ to the _____________ passed by the House of Со mmons and the House of Lords. 3. Non - Cabinet ministers are collectively _______________ government decisions and individually __________________ their departments. 4. The Prim e Minister chooses the Cabinet which _______________ about twenty ministers and ____________________ government policies. 5. The House of Lords consists of over 1,100 permanent, non - elected members : __________ and life _______________ . 2 Лексико - грамматическ ие Put the verbs in correct forms of the Present Simple Tense. Translate the sentences - Поставьте глаголы в нужные формы простого настоящего времени. Переведите предложения Grammar Revision - Повторение грамматики Present Simple - простое настоящее время. О писывает действие, регулярно происходящее. Образуется V (глагол), а в третьем лице единственного числа Vs (глагол с окончанием s ). С трановедение 16 1. The Monarch (to be) _______ the official head of state . 2. The Queen (to have) _______ mostly represen tative functions , (to gi ve) ________ the royal assent to the bills . 3. The country (not to need) ______________ a king or a queen. 4. The Prime Minister (to choose) ______________ the Cabinet which consists of about ______________ government policies . 5. A parliament is the group of people who (to make ) ___________ the laws of their country. 6. Members of the House of Commons (to belong ) _____________ to different political parties . 7. Many people in Britain (to say ) ____________ that the whole idea of the Hous e of Lords is undemocratic. Check yourself Проверьте себя Agree or disagree with the following statements - Согласитесь или не согласит есь со следующими утверждениями 1. The United Kingdom is parliamentary monarchy. 2. It is well known that the monarchy today has much power. 3. The Monarc h is the official head of state. 4. The Prime Minister gives the royal assent to the bills passed by the House of Со mmons and the House of Lords . 5. The Prime Minister is the head of Government . 6. He is the leader of the party with the ma jority se ats i n the House of Lords. 7. The Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet which consists of about 8. Non - Cabinet ministers are ministers who are not members of the C abinet, the senior group which m akes maj or policy decisions, but they are not responsible for anything. 9. British laws are made in the House of Lords. 10. The members of the lower house, the House of Commons, are elected for a period of five years. 11. The members of the House of Lords are non - elected mem bers. 12. The House of Lords is formed by the party, which has the greatest number of members elected to Parlia ment. 13. The House of Commons can delay bills for one year Многопрофильный колледж 17 14. . 15. The main politic parties in Great Britain a re the Conservative and Communist. Используйте следующие разговорные клише: а) если вы согласны  I agree with this statement. Я согласен с этим утверждением.  That ’ s right . Это верно.  It ’ s true . Это правильно. b ) если вы не согласны  I disagree with this statement. Я не согласен с этим у тверждением.  That’s wrong. Это неправильно.  It’s false. Это неверно. с) если вы хотите высказать свою точку зрения  I think - ( believe , suppose , guess ) - Я думаю (считаю, полагаю, предполагаю), что…  I ’ m quite convinced - Я абсолютно убежден, что…  As far as I concerned - Насколько я уверен , …  If my memory serves me right - Если мне не изменяет память , …  I’m a hundred per cent certain that … - Я на сто процентов уверен , что …  I ’ m not sure , but I think … Я не уверен , но я думаю …  It’s obvious - Это очевид но , …  I know for sure that… - Я точно знаю , что … It’s interesting to know Additional texts Britain’s Royal Family What do you know about the Royal Family? Can you answer the following questions? Что вы знаете о королевской семье ? Вы можете ответить на сл едующие вопросы? 1. Who is the present British monarch? 2. Who is the heir to throne? 3. Do you know the other members of the family? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you can find them in the story below. Если вы не знаете ответы, вы можете найти и х в этом рассказе. С трановедение 18 2 after the death of her father, King George V I . She was crowned in 1953 in Westminster Abbey. The Queen’s husband is Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. He was born into the Greek Royal Family but became a British citizen in 1947. He has no official position but is involved in many public Charles, the eldest son, is the heir to the throne. His elder so n, Prince William, is next in line. Prince Charles marrie d Lady Diana Spencer in 1981. Charles and Diana separated in 1992. They have two children, William and Harry. Prince Charles is interested in architecture and the environment. Lady Diana died in a ca r crash in 1997. The Queen’s second son, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, is a helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy. He married Sarah Ferguson. After the marriage she became the Duchess of York. The Duke and Duchess of York s eparated in 1992. Prince Edward, the youngest son, was born in 1963. Like Prince Charles, he studied history at Cambridge University. For a short time he worked in armed forces, but later went to work in the theatre. Princess Ann is the Queen’s only daughter. She married Captain Mark Phil lips, then was divorced from him and remarried Commander Tim Laurence. She has two children. Princess Ann is a keen and talented horsewoman; she won a gold medal for horseracing in the 1972 Olympic Games. She is known for her charity work. All the members of the Royal Family carry out many official visits and public duties. T he Queen Mother , who was born in 1900, was one of the most popular members of the Royal Family. She became Queen in 1937 after the abdication of her brother - in - law, Edward VIII. Check yourself. Do the following tes t - Проверьте себя . Выполните следующий тест 1. Who i s the Queen’s Elizabeth II husband? a. Prince Philip b. Captain Mark Philips c. Prince Charles 2. Who was born into the Greek Royal Family? a. Lady Diana b. c. Prince Philip 3. When did Charles and Diana marry? a. in 1981 b. in 1982 Многопрофильный колледж 19 c. in 1997 4. What is Prince Andrew? a. a lawyer b. a helicopter pilot c. a politician 5. Where does Prince Edward work? a. in a theatre b. at Cambridge University c. in armed forces 6. How many daughters does the queen have? a. o ne b. two c. three 7. W ho is Princess Ann’s husband? a. Mark Philips b. Tim Laurence c. King George VI 8. What is Princess Ann keen in? a. p olicy b. s cience c. h orseracing С трановедение 20 Lesson III Страноведческий материал: сто лица и ее достопримечательности Лексика: новые слова по теме, ли нгвострановедческие особенности Грамматика : повторение предлогов London London is the capital of Great Britain. Today it is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than eight million. London is situated on both sides of the Thames. There are fourteen bridges across the river. In fact there are several parts of London . The City is small in area but it is the c ommercial heart of London . The Stock E xchange and the Bank of England are situated there. Westminster is the centre of administration. Westminster Abbey is opposite the H ouses of Parliament. Many great Englishmen were buried in Westminster Abbey. The West E nd is the finest part of London. In the West End there are theatres, cinemas, museums, picture galleries, long streets of fine shops and the West End. Numerous tourists visit Trafa lgar Square laid out about a hundred years ago. Nelson ’s Column in Trafalgar Square was built in honour of Admiral Nelson . The figure of Nelson is on the top of the Column. Not far from it there is the National Gallery and joined to it is the National Port rait Gallery. These galleries contain marvelous collections of paintings by English artists. If the City is the “money” of London and the West End is the “goods” of London, then the East End is the “hands” of London. The East end is a district of docks and factories . Прочитайте текст и найдите объяснения для всех имен собственных. Воспользуйтесь следующими дополнительными текстами или лингвострановедческим словарем. Многопрофильный колледж 21 Упражнения к тексту 1 Лексические e the sentences - Дополните предложения подходящими по смыслу словами. Предложения переведите 1. London is the _________ of Great Britain . 2. London is situated on both _________ of the Thames . 3. The City is the _________________ heart of London . 4. Westminster is th e ________ of administration . 5. Numerous _____________ visit Trafalgar Square . 6. The East E nd is a ________ of docks and__________. 2 Лексико - грамматические nt prepositions. Translate them - Допо лните словосочетания нужными предлогами . Переведите предложения 1. the capital ___ Great Britain 2. one ____ the largest cities in the world 3. t he City is small ___ area 4. Westminster A bbey is _________ the H ouses of Parliament 5. are all ____ the West End 6. laid ____ ab out a hundred years ago 7. was built ___ honour ____ Admiral Nelson 8. n ot ___ ____ it there is the National Gallery Check yourself Проверьте себя I Translate the following sentences from Russian into English - Переведите предл ожения с русского на английский 1. Ло ндон - это один из крупнейших городов в мире и столица Великобритании. 2. Столица расположена на обоих берегах Темзы. 3. Сити, самый малый по площади, является сердцем коммерции Лондона. 4. Вестминстерское аббатство находится напротив Зданий Парламента, основанных б олее ста лет назад. 5. Колонна Нельсона на Трафальгарской площади, построенная в честь С трановедение 22 адмирала Нельсона, находится не далеко от Национальной галереи. II Answer the following questions - О тветьте на вопросы 1. What is the capital of Great Britain? 2. Is it the lar gest city in the world? 3. Where is it situated? 4. What parts of London do you know? 5. Where are The Stock Exchange and the Bank of England situated? 6. Westminster is the centre of administration, isn’t it? 7. What do you know about London sights? 8. What sight would you like to visit? Why? It’s interesting to know Additional texts a) Read these texts and learn many interesting things about London sights. Then do the test which follows . Прочитайте эти тексты и узнайте много интересного о достопримечательностях Лондона. Затем выполните следующий тест . b) Be a guide. Prepare an excursion “London Sights”. Попробуй себя в роли гида. Подготовь экскурсию « Достопримечательности Лондона ». The C ity of London The City is the heart of London, its commercial and business part. Numerous banks, offices, firms and trusts are concentrated there. The area of the City is about a square mile. It is an area with a long and exciting history, and it is proud of independence and traditional role as a centre of trade and commerce. The City of London is one of the major banking centers of the world and one can find the banks of many nations here. Here, too, you can find the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange and Lloyd ’ s, the most famous insurance company in the world. Only five thousand people live in the City. Before and after the business hours the streets of the City are crowded with m ore than a million people who co me there to work. Comments the Bank of Engla nd Английский банк , Банк Англии . Государственный центральный эмиссионный банк в Лондоне the Stock Exchange Лондонская фондовая биржа Lloyd ’ s Ллойд. Ассоциация страховщиков, занимается преимущественно морским страхованием . Многопрофильный колледж 23 The Tower of London Among the f irst historic buildings is the T ower of London ( Fig. 3) , built in 1087. The history of London is closely connected with the Tower. They say that London is the key to England and the Tower is the key to London. The Tower of London was founded by William t he Conqueror. It was begun with the aim of protecting Londoners from invasion by the river. Since then the Tower has served as fortress, palace, state prison and royal treasury, now it is a museum. During the reign of Henry VII , part of it became a menager ie, and it was one of the citizens' entertainments to watch a bear being led to the water's edge to catch salmon. Tower Bridge is close by the Tower of London and also is St. Paul's Cathedral, the greatest of English churches. Fig. 3 the Tower of London C omments William the Conqueror Вильгельм - Завоеватель Henry VII Генрих VII (1485 - 1509). Представитель династии Тюдоров. is closely connected with тесно связан с… from invasion by the river от нашествий со стороны реки menagerie зверинец salmon лосось , семга Tower Bridge This brid ge built in 1894, is still in daily use. Even today Tower Bridge (Fig.4) regulates a large part of traffic of the Port of London. Due to a special mechanism, the main traffic - way consisting of two parts fixed to two hinges at the ends can be lifted up. The central stay is 142 feet, each bascule weighs 1,000 tons. Nowadays the pedestrian path is closed. This footpath connecting the top of each tower, is situated at height of 142 feet above the waters of the famous Thames. Fig. 4 Tower Bridge С трановедение 24 Comments i n daily use используется в наши дни hinge шарнир bascule подъемное крыло или ферма ( моста ) St. Paul’s Cathedral Everybody coming to London for the first time wants to see St. Paul's Cathedral (Fig.5) . This is the third cathedral with this name which Lo ndon has had. The two others were burnt down, the first in 1086 and the second in 1666. Christopher Wren was an architect who had already built many buildings . Now, in 1675; he started on his greatest work. For 35 years the building of St Paul's Fig.5 St. Paul's Cathedral Cathedral went on, and Wren was an old man and died before it was finished. From far away you can see the huge dome with a golden ball and cross on the top. The inside of the cathedral is very beautiful. After looking around, you can climb 263 steps to the Whispering Gallery, above the library, which runs round the dome. It is called this because if someone whispers close to the wall on one side, a person with an ear clo se to the wall on the other side can hear what is said. Then, if you climb another 118 steps, you will be able to stand outside the dome and look over London. But not only can you climb up, you can also go down , into the crypt. Here are buried many great m en, including Christopher Wren himself, Nelson and others. Comments Christopher Wren Кристофер Рен . Английский архитектор Whispering Gallery Галерея шепота . У основания внутреннего купола собора св. Павла. Знаменита своим акустическим эффектом: слово, ска занное тихо на одной ее стороне, слышно у противоположной стены, хотя диаметр купола равен 32 м. w e re burnt down сгорели the huge dome огромный купол t he crypt склеп , подземная часовня Многопрофильный колледж 25 Westminster Westminster is another central and important part of Londo n. Most governmental buildings are situated there. On the left bank of the Thames is Westminster Palace, famous as Houses of Parliament. It is the seat of the British Parliament. The Clock Tower with the hour - bell called “Big Ben” is known the world over. The Houses of Parliament The Houses of Parliament is the most popular and widely spread image of London. In this famous palace there are also many meeting halls and various parliamentary offices. The Palace of Westminster, together with Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower Big Ben forms an unmistakable architectural complex. But the Towers and the Houses of Parliament are not only associated architecturally, but also in the democratic spirit that rules the political life developed in the House of Commons. If Parliament is sitting, the flag flies on top of Victoria Tower during the whole day. If the debates go on during the night, which quite often happens in the dynamic parliamentary life of Great Britain, light burns above Big Ben in the Clock Tower. This li ght at night and the flag during the day - time signal for the people of London that the members of Parliament are watching over the nation's interests. Comments the Palace of Westminster Вестминстерский дворец. С середины 14 в. в нем проходят заседания парл амента. Victoria Tower башня Виктории. Главная башня здания парламента. В ней хранятся парламентские документы. Высота 99м. the Clock Tower Big Ben башня с часами - курантами «Большой Бен».По названию колокола, бой которого передается ежедневно по радио к ак сигнал точного времени. unmistakable architectural complex безупречный архитектурный ансамбль associated architecturally архитектурно взаимосвязаны the democratic spirit демократический дух to watch over the nation's interests блюсти национальные и нтересы С трановедение 26 Big Ben Why is this bell called "Big Ben" (Fig.6) ? When the great bell was cast in London foundry in 1858, the question of its name was discussed in Parliament. One member said, “ Why not call it Big Ben? ” There was much laughter among the memb ers because the man in charge of public buildings was Sir Benjamin Hall, a very tall, stout man whose nickname was “Big Ben” . From that time the bell has been kno wn as Big Ben. The bell is 7 fee t 6 inches high, and 9 f ee t 6 inches across the mouth. It weig hs 13.5 tons (about the sam e as two double - decker buses). Fig.6 Big Ben “Big Ben” is the name of the bell only not the clock, and not the tower. Comments Westminster Abbey The great glory of Westminster is the Abbey ( Fig. 7) . St. the first church here, but the Abbey's 900 years of existence since its dedication go back to Edward the Confessor. Henry III rebuilt the earlier church and the present building dates from his reign. Many visitors to the Abbey are attracted to Poet’s corner, with its memorials to great statesmen, painters, writers and English kings and queens have been crowned in Westminster Abbey. Fig. 7 Westminster Abbey cast отливать foundry литейный цех Sir Benjamin Hall сэр Бенжамин Холл. Главный смотритель литейных работ в 1856 г. 1 foot 1 фут. Примерно 30.5см. 1 inch 1 дюйм . Примерно 2.5 см . Многопрофильный колледж 27 Comments Edward the Confessor Эдуард Исповедник Henry III Генрих III (1216 - 1272). Представитель династии Плантагенетов Poet ’ s corner Уголок поэтов. Часть Вестминстерского аббатства, где похоронены известные поэты и писатели St . Святой Петр, основатель аббатства dedication освящение литераторы outstanding выдающийся The West End The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. The West End is the name given to the area of central London north from the Mall found in the West End. The best streets and parks of the capital are there too. Trafalgar Square It was named Trafalgar Square ( Fig. 8) to commemor ate the historical naval victory won on the 21 st command of Horatio Nelson over the French - Nelson’s Column, with the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson on top, rises in the centre of Trafalgar Squar e. It is 170 feet (about 52 m) tall. Londoners often celebrate there political rallies. There are many pigeons in the square and Londoners like to feed them. Everybody knows that the dove is the symbol of peace all over the world. Fig. 8 Trafalgar Square С трановедение 28 Comments the historical naval victory историческая морская победа Nelson ’ s Column колонна Нельсона. Памятник адмиралу Нельсону (1758 - 1805) в виде сорокачетырехметровой колонны, увенчанной пятиметровой фигурой адмирала; у основания колонны четыре льва, отлитые из трофейных французских пушек p olitical rallies политические массовые митинги Piccadilly Circus Piccadilly Circus is the centre of night life in the West End. This is one of the most popular meeting points of London, probably second only to Trafalgar Square. It is quite small, but it is a dynamic and picturesque place with a happy and lively atmosphere. People like to gather around the foot of the statue of Eros, the god of love, work of Sir Alfred Gilbert. Piccadilly Circus is the West End shopping centre. There are many shops with b ig advertisements, belonging to different foreign firms there. Comments Eros Эрос, Эрот. Разговорное название памятника известному филантропу графу Шафтсбери в центре Пиккадилли Серкус. Установлен в 1893. picturesque place живописное место advertisement реклама Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham. Later restored by Nash, the present façade was planned by Sir Aston Webb in 1913. Buckingham Palace is London residence of the Sovereign. When the queen is here, the royal standard flutters over the palace. The Royal Mews, in Buckingham Pal ace Road, house coaches and horses used in all state occasions and are open to the public on Wednesday and Thursday. The queen’s Gallery, also in Buckingham Palace Road, has special exhibitions from the Royal collection and may be visited every day except Monday. The Palace and the beautiful gardens occupy an area of approximately Многопрофильный колледж 29 40 acres. This is one of the most interesting places in London for the tourist because it is something typically and intimately part of London’s character. Comments Duke герцог ( титул; высшая степень сословия Пэров) Nash английский архитектор 1752 - 1835 Royal Mews «Ройял мьюз», королевские конюшни Queen ’ s Galley картинная галерея королевы со сменной экспозицией. residence of the Sovereign резиденция монарха Hyde Park Hyde Pa rk is one of the most popular points in London. In one corner there is the old residence of the Duke of Wellington, Apsley House, now Wellington Museum. Along one side of Hyde Park runs Park Lane, by which one can arrive at Marble Arch, not far from where is Speaker’s Corner. Hyde Park is the largest park in London: including the Kensington Gardens it covers an area of 636 acres. Hyde Park has a large and most attractive lake called the Serpentine, whose area of 41 acres is used to swim in n in summer. Another attraction of Hyde Park is the horse riding lane known as Rotten Row, which is a mile and a half long. Other well known and important parks are Regent’s Park, Green Park, St. James’ s Park and Kensington Gardens. There are many swans in London parks and gardens and according to the tradition they are considered to be the property of the Royal family. Comments Apsley House Апсли - Хаус. Дом - музей герцога Веллингтона. Park Lane Парк Лейн. Улица в лондонском Уэст Энде, известна фешенебельными гостиницами и особняками. Marble Arch Марбл - Арч. Триумфальная арка. Сооружена в 1828 в качестве главного въезда в Букингемский дворец; в 1851 перенесена в северо - восточную часть парка, ныне находится вне его пределов. The Serpentine Серпантин. Узкое искусственное озеро в Гайд - Парке с лодочной станцией и пляжем. Rotten Row Роттен - Роу. Аллея для верховой езды в Гайд - Парке. (букв. Гнилая до рога.) С трановедение 30 Regent ’ s Park Риджентс ‬ Парк. Большой парк в северо - западной части Лондона; площадь 180 га. Бывшее место королевской охоты. Green Park Грин - Парк. Тянется вдоль улицы Пиккадилли. Известен со 2 - й половины 17 в. (букв. Зеленый парк; в нем одна зелень, без цветов) St . James ’ s Park Сент - Джеймсский парк. В центральной части Лондона. По всей его длине тянется озеро, где обитают пеликаны, завезенные из России в 1664. Kensington Gardens Кенсингтон - Гарденз. Большой парк в Лондоне; примыкает к Гайд - Парку. T he East End London is a city of great contrast. Its western part is the richest. The poorest part of London is the East End. The East End grew with the spread of industries to the east of the City, and the growth of the port of London. It covers a wide ar ea. It is also one of those areas of London where people from abroad have come to find work. For centuries foreigners have made London their home. The East End is especially famous as the centre of the clothing industry (or “rag - trade”) in London. Its mark - salesmen promise that the goods are of the highest quality and much cheaper than those you can buy in the West End. Traditionally someone born in the East End is known as a cockney although this name is now given to anyone who speaks like a Londoner. Comments Cockney кокни; коренной уроженец Лондона (особенно Ист - Энда) the spread of industries распространение промышленности street - sales уличные торговцы Test Choose the convenient answer - Выберите правильный ответ 1. What is the major banking centre of London? a. the City b. the West End c. the East End Многопрофильный колледж 31 2. What is the poorest part of London? a. the City b. the West End c. the East End 3. What is the richest part of London? a. the City b. the West End c. the East End 4 . When was the Tower of London built? a. in 1894 b. in 1087 c. in 1666 5 . Who wa s the founder of the Tower of London? a. William the Conqueror b. Christopher Wren c. William the Co nfessor 6 . What can you visit in St. Paul’s Cathedral? a. Tate Gallery b. museum c. Whispering Gallery 7 . Who was the architect of St. Paul’s Cathedral? a. Henry VII b. Christoph er Wren c. Nelson 8 . Which sight is the oldest one? a. Tower Bridge b. St. Paul’s Cathedral c. the Tower of London 9 . Where is the British Parliament sitting? a. in Westminster Abbey b. in the Houses of Parliament c. in Victoria Tower С трановедение 32 10 . Where can you see the flying flag d uring the parliamentary debates? a. on the top of Victoria Tower b. on the top of Clock Tower c. on the top of St. Paul’s Cathedral 11 . What did people name as “Big Ben”? a. the tower b. the clock c. the bell 12 . Where were all English kings and queens crowned? a. in the Tow er of London b. in Westminster Abbey c. in the Houses of Parliament 13 . Where can you see the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson? a. in Trafalgar Square b. in Piccadilly Circus c. in Hyde Park 14 . What is the West End shopping centre? a. the Royal Academy b. Piccadilly Circus c. St. James ’s Park 15 . Where is Rotten Row situated? a. in Hyde Park b. in St . James’s Park c. in Kensington Gardens Многопрофильный колледж 33 Lesson I V Страноведческий материал: крупные города Великобритании Лексика: названия городов Великобритании Грамматика: повторение степеней сравнения имен прилагательных Cities of the United Kingdom The population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is more than 57 million people. It is mostly urban: nine tenth of it lives in towns and cities. London is the largest city in Europe. It is home for the headquarters of all government departments, Parliament, the major legal institut ions and the monarch. It is the country’s business and banking centre and the centre of its and of the national newspapers. It is about 7 times larger than any other in the cou ntry. About a fifth of the total population of the United Kingdom lives in the Greater London area. The country’s second largest city is Birmingham. During the industrial revolution, the city and the surrounding area of the west midlands, known as the Blac k Country, developed into the country’s major engineering centre. In northern England, there are large deposits of coal and iron ore. They enabled this area to lead the industri al revolution in the 18 th century. On the western side, the Manchester area became, in the 19 th century, the world’s leading of cotton goods. On the eastern side, towns such as Bradford and Leeds became the world’s leading producers of woolen goods. Furthe r south, Sheffield became a centre for the production of steel goods. Further north, around Newcastle, shipbuilding is the major industry. Glasgow in Scotland is the third largest city in Britain. It is associated with heavy industry and some of the worst housing conditions in Britain. However, this image is one - sided. Glasgow has a strong artistic heritage. At the turn of the last century, the work of the Glasgow school put city at the forefront of English design and architecture. Edinburgh, which is half the size of Glasgow, is the city of science and with many historic buildings has led to its being called “The Athens of the North”. The annual festival of the arts is internation ally famous. Remember the proper names - Запомните имена собственные С трановедение 34 Birmingham Бирмингем. Крупный промышленный центр в графстве Уорикшир, второй по численности населения город в Великобритании. Manchester Манчестер. Крупный промышленный центр в графстве Л анкашир. Bradford Бредфорд Leeds Лидс. Крупный промышленный центр в графстве Йоркшир. Newcastle Ньюкасл Sheffield Шеффилд Glasgow Глазго. Крупный промышленный центр и порт Шотландии. Третий по численности населения город Великобритании. Edinburgh Эдинбург. Столица Шотландии, крупный культурный центр. Задания к тексту 1 Лексические Solve the crossword and guess the city written down. Tell some words about it - Решите кроссворд и отгадайте город по вертикали. Коротко расскажите о нем 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. The country’s second largest city known as the Black Country. 2. The world’s leading producer of woolen goods. 3. Shipbuilding is its major industry. 4. Centre for the production of steel goods 5. The city of science , law and administration. 6. A big city and port of Scotland. 7. A big industrial centre of Yorkshire. Многопрофильный колледж 35 2 Лексико - грамматические Put the adjectives in a correct form (see degrees of comparison) - Поставьте прилагательные в нужную форму ( см . степени сравнения Unit 1, Lesson V)  London is (large) _______________ city in Europe.  London is about 7 times (large) _ _________ than any other in the country.  In northern England there are (large) _________ deposits of coal and iron ore.  Glasgow is (big) _________ than Edinburgh.  The annual festival of the arts is internationally (famous) __________ and (interesting) ____ __________________ for tourists.  Factories of Birmingham still convert (various) __________________ goods.  Bradford and Leeds became (famous) ______________________ producers of woolen goods. Check yourself Проверьте себя I Read the text again and translate the following word combinations - Прочитайте текст еще раз и переведите словосочетания .  население в основном городское _________________________  деловой и банковский центр ____________________________  национ альная транспортная сеть _____________________  главное управление ____________________________ _______  второй по величине город ____________________________  огромное разнообразие товаров _____________________  залежи угля и железной руды ____________________ _  вести к промышленной революции _____________________  трикотажные товары ____________________________  тяжелая промышленность ____________________________  на передовом крае _____________________________ ______ II Agree or disagree with the following statem ents - Согласитесь или не согласитесь с утверждениями  The population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is mostly urban.  London is home for the headquarters of all government departments, Parliament, the major legal institutions an d the monarch. С трановедение 36  About a quarter of the total population of the United Kingdom lives in the Greater London area.  The country’s second largest city is Bradford.  In Northern Ireland, there are large deposits of coal and iron ore.  The Manchester area is the wor ld’s leading of cotton goods.  On the eastern side, towns such as Bradford and Leeds became the world’s leading producers of steel goods.  Sheffield became a centre for the production of woolen goods.  Further north, around Newcastle, shipbuilding is the majo r industry. It’s interesting to know Additional texts Oxford The city of Oxford is like London. It is very old; it is very international and is situated on the Thames. Oxford is a beautiful and very green city. Green fields and parks surround the town. Green gardens with a lot of flowers and trees surround the colleges. The river Thames is situated quite near the city. We say that Oxford is old and historical because it has existed since 912. The university was founded in 1249. Oxford is international be cause people from many parts of the world come at one of the twenty - seven men’s colleges or at one of the five women’s colleges that are the university: they join the university “family” that has more than 9.000 members( among them only three hundred women , who study at women’s colleges). The red buildings of the women’s colleges are new buildings. Every year more than one thousand students enter Oxford University. The entrance exams are difficult. It is necessary to work hard to become a student. When a ne w woman student comes to Oxford, she is shown the room she will live. Then a third - year student of the university comes to her room for - year students. She tells them everything about college life and answers their ques tions. The academic year in England has three terms which usually last from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March, and from the middle of April to the end of June. Examinations take place at the end of each term. If a student fails in an examination, he may be allowed to take the exam again. Only two re - examinations are usually allowed. Многопрофильный колледж 37 Tasks I Дополните предложения - 1 The city of Oxford is like London because … a. it is large and beautiful b. it is old, historical and it is situated on the river Thames c. many books are written about it 2. We say that O xford is old and historical because a. a lot of writers wrote about it b. there is a university there c. i t has existed more tha n a thousand years 3. The academic year has a. two terms b. tree terms c. four terms 4. The entrance examination s a. are easy b. are difficult c. are neither difficult nor easy 5. To become a student of the university it is necessary a. to pass difficult entrance examination s b. to be invited to tea by a third - year student c. to be a good sportsma n II Выберите предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию прочитанного текста 1 a. There are no fields and parks around the city of Oxford. b. There are a lot of gardens in Oxfor d, but no parks surround it. c. Oxford is green because green fi elds and parks surround the town . 2 a. Some of the colleges were founded last year. b. No colleges were founded more than two hundred years ago. c. The oldest colleges were founde d more than seven hundred years ago. 3 a. All colleges are new red buildings of modern design. b. All colleges are blue and white buildings. c. The red buildings are new colleges; the beautiful gray buildings are old colleges. С трановедение 38 4 a. About ten th ousand students study at the university. b. Only one thousand students study at the university. c. Nobody knows how many students study at the University of Oxford. 5 a. The high red buildings are men’s colleges. b. The small low, grey bu ildings are women’s colleges. c. The new red buildings are women’s colleges. 6 a. There are no foreign students at the university. b. There are a lot of foreign students at the university. c. There are only English students at the univers ity. Edinburgh Edinburgh is Scotland’s capital, and one of the most beautiful cities in Britain. The heart of Edinburgh is the thousand - year - old castle, where the kings of Scotland lived for centuries. The castle, which is called Palace of Holyrood house , was built on a high rock. From the Edinburgh castle you can see for miles north over the beautiful old streets and squares to an arm of the sea. Far away are the mountains of Central Scotland, often covered with snow. Edinburgh has a busy cultural life. “the Athens of the North”. Every year, in September, the International Festival takes place. Musicians, actors and singers come from all over the world and thousands of visitors fill the city. In the evening, the oper a house, the theatres and the concert halls are full. In cafes and pubs, small groups sing, act and read The castle is at its best in Festival time. Every night there is a magnificent military “tattoo”, a n outdoor military show with music. Highland soldiers wearing kilts play the bagpipes, and march to the music. Edinburgh is a centre of business, education, the law, book production, engineering and biscuit industry. It has a university and many famous schools. Comments Palace of Holyrood house Хол ирудхаус . Старинный дворец в городе Эдинбурге. Официальная резиденция английских королей в Шотландии. Tasks I Find English equivalents - Найдите английские соответствия  тысячелетний замок ____________________________  жили веками _________________________ ___  покрытые снегом ____________________________ Многопрофильный колледж 39  северные Афины ____________________________  со всего мира ____________________________  великолепный военный парад _______________________ II Answer the following questions. Ответьте на вопросы .  What is the capital of Scotland?  When and where was Palace of Holyrood house built?  What can you see from Edinburgh castle?  Why is Edinburgh called “the Athens of the North”?  What do you know about the International Festival?  Is Edinburgh a centre of business, educat ion, the law, book production, engineering and biscuit industry?  Does it have a university and many famous schools?  What was especially interesting for you?  Would you like to visit Edinburgh? Why? Lesson V Страноведческий материал: культура и традиции Великобритании Лексика: новые слова по теме, лингвострановедческие особенности Грамматика: повторение (формы глагола to be в Present Simple ) Public Holidays in the United Kingdom There are eight public holida ys, or bank holidays a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people need not go to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Bank Holiday and Late Summer Bank Holiday. The term bank holida y dates back to the 19 century when in 1871 and 1875 most of these days were constituted bank holidays, that is, days on which banks were to be closed. The observance of these days is no longer limited to banks. All the public holidays, except Christmas Da y and Boxing Day observed on the 25 and 26 of December respectively, do not fall on the same date each year. Good Friday and Easter Monday d epend on Easter Sunday which fal ls on the first Monday in May. The Spring Bank Holiday is on the last Monday of May, while Late Summer Bank Holiday comes on the Last Monday in August. Most of these holidays are of religious origin, though for the great part of the population they have long lost their religious significance and С трановедение 40 are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry. Certain customs and traditions are associated with most bank holidays. The reason is that many of them are part of holiday seasons like Easter and Christmas seasons which are religious by origin and are marked by centuries - old tradi tions. Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries and simply days, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they are ordinary working days. Remember the new words and expressions - Запомните новые слова и выражения a public holiday официальный праздник a bank holiday официальный праздник Christmas Day Рождество Boxing Day День подарков Good Friday пятница перед Пасхой Easter Monday понедельник после Пасхи to date back to восходить к to be constituted bank holiday получать статус официального праздника observance of smth празднование is no longer limited to banks не распространяется больше только на банки to be observed праздноваться, соблюдаться to be of religious origin быть религио зного происхождения to lose religious significance потерять религиозное значение to relax отдыхать to make merry веселиться to be associated with smth быть связанным с чем - либо o be part of holiday season быть частью многодневного праздника to be marked by быть связанным с centuries - old traditions многовековыми традициями a festival фестиваль an anniversary годовщина Упражнения к тексту 1 Лексические Match the two halves . Translate the expression - Составьте словосочетания из двух половинок, затем пере ведите их Многопрофильный колледж 41 1. were constituted 2. Easter Monday is of 3. except Christmas Day and 4. Easter Sunday fails on the 5. many holidays are part of a. holiday seasons b. Boxing Day c. bank holidays d. religious origin e . first Monday in May 2 Лексико - грамматические Grammar Rev ision Put the verb to be in the correct form - Поставьте глагол to be в нужную форму  Bank holiday s _____ day s on which people need not go to work.  The observance of these days ____ no longer limited to banks.  The sp ring Bank holiday ____ on the last Monday of May.  Most of these holidays ____ of the religious origin.  Easter _____ a part of holiday season.  Easter and Christmas _____ religious by origin, and ____ marked by centuries - old traditions. Check yourself Прове рьте себя I Find English equivalents - Найдите в тексте английские соответствия  дни, когда людям не надо идти на работу  _________________________ _____________________  понятие «банковский выходной»  ____________________________________________ __  не распростр аняется только на банки  _________________________ _____________________  не выпадает на одно и то же число каждый год  _________________________ _____________________  для большинства населения  _________________________ _____________________  ассоциируются с боль шинством официальных праздников  _________________________ _____________________  обычные рабочие дни I am He She It is We You T hey are С трановедение 42  _________________________ _____________________ II Answer the following questions - Ответьте на вопросы  How many public holidays a year are there in Great Br itain? Name them.  What does the term “bank holiday” mean?  Which holidays don’t fall on the same date each year?  What do Good Friday and Easter Monday depend on?  Is religious origin of holidays important for people nowadays?  Why are certain customs and trad itions associated with bank holidays?  Do people observe any traditions at ordinary working day? Контрольные вопросы для собеседования п о теме «Великобритания» 1. Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland situated? 2. What parts does it consist of? 3. Name the capitals of each part of Great Britain. 4. What are the emblems of each part? 5. W hat is the state system of Great Britain? 6. What chambers does the British Parliament consist of? 7. What is the most famous place of pagans’ sun worship in England? 8. What is London residence of the Queen? 9. Where is Nelson’s Column situated? 10. Where are British kin gs crowned? 11. Who was the architect of St. Paul’s cathedral? 12. What lake does the famous Scottish monster live in ? 13. What can you visit in St. Paul’s Cathedral? 14. Where can you see the flying flag during the parliamentary debates? 15. What did people name as “Big Ben” ? 16. Where can you see the statue of Admiral Lord Nelson? 17. Where is Rotten Row situated? Многопрофильный колледж 43 UNIT 2 THE USA Lesson I Страноведческий материал: географическое положение Грамматика : повторение (действи тельный и страдательный залоги) Лексика: повторение ( слова Lesson 1, Unit 1); имена собственные The United States of America The USA is one of the largest countries in the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The area of the USA is over t is washed by the Pacific Ocean and by the Atlantic Ocean. The most northern part of the USA is Alaska, the largest state, separated from the rest of the country by Canada. The population of the United States is nearly 250 million people. Most of the peop le live in towns. People of different nationalities live in the USA. The official language of the country is English. The capital of the country is Washington , D.C. It was named in honor of the first President, George Washington. As the USA is a large coun try, the cli mate is different in different regions. For example, the Pacific coast is a region of mild winters and warm, dry summers but the eastern continental region is watered with rainfall. The region around the Great Lakes has changeable weather. Ther e are many mountains in the USA . For example, the highest peaks of the Cordi l lera s in the USA are 6. 193 and 4. The main river of the country is the Mississippi. But there are many other great rivers in the USA: the Colorado in the south and the Columbia in the north - west. There are five the USA and Canada. The USA produces more than 52 per cent of the world's corn, wheat, cotton and tobacco. There are many big cities in the coun try. They are Washington (the capital of the count ry), New York (the city of contrasts, financial and business centre of the USA), Boston (there are many colleges and universities in it), Chicago (one of the biggest industrial cities in the USA), San Francisco, Los (one o f the biggest centers of the automobile industry) . The USA has an Academy of Sciences. There are many scientific institutions, museums, libraries, theatres and other interesting places in the country. The USA is a highly developed industrial country. The U SA is rich С трановедение 44 in mineral resources, such as aluminum, salt, zinc, copper, and others. The country is rich in coal, iron and oil , natural gas and silver, too. It holds one of the first places in the world for the production of coal, iron, oil and natural gas. Remember geographical names - За помните географические названия the Pacific coast Тихоокеанское побережье the Great Lakes Великие озера. Пять пресноводных озер между США и Канадой. Включают (с запада на восток) оз. Верхнее ( Lake Superior ), оз. Мичиган ( Lake Michigan ), оз. Гурон ( Lake Huron ), оз. Эри ( Lake Erie ) и оз. Онтарио ( Lake Ontario ). Обеспечивают судоходство через р. Св. Лаврентия в Атлантический океан. the Cordilleras Кордильеры. Горы в Северной Америке. the Mississippi Миссисипи. Самая больша я река в Северной Америке. the Colorado река Колорадо. За миллионы лет образовала Большой Каньон в северо - западной части штата Аризона. the Columbia река Колумбия. Течет из Канады через штат Вашингтон; впадает в Тихий океан. Washington, D.C. Вашингтон. Столица США New York Нью - Йорк. Крупнейший город США Boston Бостон. Крупнейший город и столица штата Массачусетс. Chicago Чикаго. Третий по величине город США. San Francisco Сан - Франциско. Один из крупнейших городов Калифорнии. Los Angeles второй по ве личине город США, центр киноиндустрии (Голливуд),центр новых технологий будущего и аэрокосмической промышленности. Philadelphia Филадельфия. Крупнейший город штата Пенсильвания. Столица США до 1800. Детройт. Крупнейший город штата Мичиган. Центр автомобильной промышленности США Упражнения к тексту 1 Лексические Многопрофильный колледж 45 Solve the crosswords and read the word written down - Разгадайте кроссворд и прочитайте слово по вертикали 1. климат 2. океан 3. юг 4. горы 5. столица 6. река 7. город 2 Лексико - грамматические name the grammar tenses and their voices - Дополните предложения и переведите их . Подчеркните глаголы и назовите времена и их залоги (см. Unit 1 ) 1. The USA is one of the largest _____________in the world. 2. It is washed by _________________ and ______________________. 3. The official language of the country is _______________. 4. The capital of the country is ______________ _ _. 5. The region around __________________________ has changeable weather. 6. The highest ________________ in the USA are the Cordeliers. 7. The main _______________ of the country is the Mississippi. 8. The USA is a highly developed __________________ country. 9. The c ountry is rich in ____________________________ _. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 С трановедение 46 10. American agriculture produces a lot of food products: _________ _________ _________________. Check yourself Проверьте себя Answer the following questions - Ответьте на вопросы 1. Is the USA one of the largest countries in the world? 2. What kind of area does the USA have ? 3. What do you know about the population of the United States of America? 4. The capital of the count ry is Washington , D.C. , isn't it? 5. Are there many mountains in the Country? 6. What rivers do you know in the USA? 7. The USA is a highly developed industrial country, isn’t it? 8. What big cities do you know in the USA? 9. What does American agriculture produce? It’s interesting to know Additional texts American Symbols The American flag ( Fig. 10 ) is often called “The Stars and Stripes”, it is also called “Old Glory”. It represents the growth of the nation. It has 13 horizontal stripes, 7red and 6 white, which stand for the original 13 states. In the top left hand corner there are 50 white stars on a blue background: one star for each state. The national anthem of the United States is “The Star Spangled Banner”. The words written during the Anglo - American war in 1812 - 1814 and were set to the music of an old song. Every state has its own flag, emblem and anthem too. Fig. 9 the national emblem The eagle ( Fig. 9) became the national emblem of the country in 1782. It has an olive branch (a symbol of peace) and arrows (a symbol of strength). You can see the eagle on the back of a dollar bill. Многопрофильный колледж 47 Tasks Answer the following questions - Ответьте на вопросы 1. How is the American flag called ? 2. What can we see on the American flag? 3. What do stripes and stares symbolize? 4. When was the national anthem written? 5. Does every state have its own flag, emblem and anthem? 6. What is the national emblem of the USA? Where can we see it? Fig. 10 t he American flag . 10 The Fifty States The fifty states of the United States, or the USA, join to make one na tion. The United States did not always have fifty states. At first there were thirteen. As the United States grew , more states joine d the union. The last two states to join were Alaska and Hawaii. They both joined in 1959. The area of the United States covers every type of land. There are forests, deserts, moun tains, and flat land. The area of the United Stat es also covers every type o f climate. The size of each state is different , too. Alaska is the biggest state. Rhode Island is the smallest state . Alaska is 500 times bigger than Rhode Island. About 250 million people live in the United States. The people of the US come from all over the world. People often name cities after where they come from. For example, in the United States you can find Paris, Rome, Delhi, and Frankfurt. The state with the highest population is California. The state with the lowest population is Alaska. Each stat e has its own name. The name gives the state its identity and personality. More than half the states have names from American Indian origin. Each state also has a flag with colors that have a special meaning for the state. The flag is the emblem, or the sy mbol, of the state. There is also a state flower , tree , and bird . С трановедение 48 Tasks I Из нижеперечисленных слов найдите слова подходящие по смыслу выделенным словам nation climate flat land emblem origin population union its identity 1. The United States is a count ry of fifty states. 2. The United States grew and more states joined the group . 3. The United States has forests, deserts, mountains, and land which level is not high. 4. The United States also has every type of weather. 5. The state with the highest number of people is California. 6. More than half the states have names from American Indian beginnings . 7. The flag is the symbol of the state. 8. The name gives the state a name to say what it is . II Найдите правильный ответ 1. The United States ____ . a. was always fifty states b. has fifty states today c. is not a nation of fifty states 2. The United States has ____ . a. about 250 million people b. people from Europe and India only c. the highest population in the world 3. Each state has ___ . a. an American Indian name b. no personality c. its own name an d flag Многопрофильный колледж 49 Lesson II Страноведческий материал: климатические особенности Грамматика: повторение (употребление артикля перед именами соб ственными ) Лексика: повторение (слова Lesson 1, Unit 1); имена собственные Geographical Position and Rich Resources Yellow stone National Park A national park is a large piece of land. In the park animals are free to come and go. Trees and plants grow everywhere. People go to a national park to enjoy nature. Many people stay in campgrounds in national parks. They sleep in tent s and cook their food over campfires. They also walk on trails or paths in the parks. On a gate at the entrance of Yellowstone, a sign says, "For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People". Yellowstone is the world's oldest national park. It became a nationa l park in 1872. It is also the world's largest park. It covers parts of the states of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Yellowstone is two - and - a - half times the size of the smallest state, Rhode Island. Yellowstone is famous for its geysers. These holes in the g round shoot hot water into the air. There are about seventy geysers in the park. The most famous is Old Faithful. About every hour Old Faithful shoots hot water hundreds of feet into the air. Two - and - a - half million people visit this beautiful park each yea r. Park rangers give information to visitors. They also t ake care of the park. They tell visitors not to pick the flowers. They also tell them not to feed or hunt the animals. Tasks I . Вста вьте подходящие по смыслу слова 1. People go to a national park to enjoy ______ _. a people b na ture с animals 2. There is a sign on a _______ _. a visitor __ b gate c house 3. The sign says, “ For the ________ and Enjoyment of the People.” a benefit _ b information c s ecurity 4. Yellowstone is famous for its ____________ _. С трановедение 50 a visitors b geysers с bears 5. Park rangers ____________ of the park. a feed b take care c are afraid 6. Visitors cannot __________ the animals. a hunt b pick c catch II. Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос : Why did Yellowstone become a national par k? a. Yellowstone is the world's oldest park. b. Yellowstone is two - and - a - half times the size of the smallest state, Rhode Island. с Yellowstone is famous for its natural beauty. III. Закончите предложения . 1. Yellowstone covers parts of ______ _. a. Wyoming a nd Montana b. Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho c. Rhode Island 2. Yellowstone is two - and - a - half times the size of _______. a. Montana b. Idaho c. Rhode Island 3. Yellowstone has _______. a. twenty geysers b. seventy geysers c. about seventy geysers 4. Geysers shoot hot water into the ______. a ground b air с tree 5. The most famous geyser is _______ . a Old Faithful b Old Hundred с Old Chap 6. Park rangers give ________ to visitors. a flowers b information c directions Niagara Falls Niagara Falls, one of the most famous North Am erican natural wonders, has long been a popular tourist destination. Tourist today flock to see the two falls that actually comprise Niagara Falls: the 53 - Многопрофильный колледж 51 on the Canadian side of the Niagara River and the 55 - meter high American F October, and it is quite a popular activity to take a st eamer out on the river and go up to the base of the falls for a close - spectacular view of the falls from the strategic locations along the Niagara River such as Prospect Point or Table Rock, or from one of the four observation towers which have heights up to 500feet. Tourist have been visiting Niagara Falls in large numbers since the 1800’s.Be cause of concern that the large number of tourists would destroy the natural beauty of this scenic wonder, the State of New York in 1885 created Niagara Falls Park in order to protect the land surrounding American Falls. A year later Canada created Queen V ictoria Park on the Canadian side of the Niagara, around Horseshoe Falls. Tasks I. Найдите ответ на вопрос : Which best describes Niagara Falls? 1. Niagara Falls consists of two rivers, one Canadian and the other American. 2. American Falls is considerably hi gher than Horseshoe Falls. 3. The Niagara River has two falls, one in Canada and one in the U.S. 4. Although the Niagara River flows through the U.S. and Canada, the falls are only in the U.S. II. Закончите предложение . The passage means that tourists prefer…. 1. to visit Niagara Falls during warmer weather. 2. to see the falls from a great distance. 3. to take a ride over the falls. 4. to come to Niagara Falls for a winter vacation. III. Найдите ответ на вопрос : What does the word “steamer” mean (middle of the first para graph)? 1. a bus 2. a boat 3. a walkway 4. a park С трановедение 52 IV. Найдите ответ на вопрос : Why was Niagara Park created? 1. To encourage tourists to visit Niagara Falls 2. To show off the natural beauty of Niagara Falls 3. To protect the area around Niagara Falls 4. To force Canada to ope n Queen Victoria Park V. Найдите ответ на вопрос : What is the major point the author is making in this passage? 1. Niagara Falls can be viewed from either the American side or the Canadian side. 2. A trip to the U.S. isn’t complete without a visit to Niagara F alls. 3. Niagara Falls has had an interesting history. 4. It has been necessary to protect Niagara Falls from the many tourists who go there. The Mississippi River The Mississippi River is the longest river in the United States. It is more than 3,700 kilometers long. The Mississippi begins as a small creek and at the Gulf of Mexico it is it is shallow. run into the Mississippi. Half of the rain fa lling in the United States flows into the Mississippi. Boats can go from the Gulf of Mexico up the Mississippi for 1,600 ki lometers. Many of the boats are barges. Barges carry freight of many kinds up the river and down the river. Tasks I . Найдите ин формацию, содержащуюся в тексте 1. 2. starts as a small stream 3. The Mississippi River is both deep and shallow 4. 5. 6. Многопрофильный колледж 53 II . Встав ьте пропущенные слова , пользуясь текстом 1. _____ the ____________ river in the United States . 2. _____ more than 3,700 kilometers ___________ . 3. _____ begins as a _____________ creek . 4. _____ ________________ . 5. _ ______________ small rivers run . 6. ____ _ ___________ half of the rain . III . Определите содержание второго абзаца 1. The Mississippi gets wider. 2. The Mississippi is a creek. 3. The Mississippi is always deep. IV . Опреде лите содержание третьего абзаца 1. 2. The Mississippi runs into many rivers. 3. The Mississippi flows into the Mississippi. V . Определи те содержание четвертого абзаца 1. 2. Barges carry freight on the Mississippi. 3. Boats never go up the Mississippi. VI . Закончите предложения 1 The Mississippi begins as a small ________. a river b creek с gulf 2 The Mississippi is ________ a two b 3,700 с 1,600 3 The Mississippi is the ______ river in the U.S. a wide st b deepest с l ongest 4 Many small _ ______ flow into the Mississippi. a boats b barges с r ivers С трановедение 54 Mount Rushmore The Black Hills of South Dakota are famous for the beauty of their nature. Here the Sioux Indians once lived; here was the scene of the famous Black Hills ( Fig. 11) gold rush, and here, in modern times, stands the Mount Rushmore Memorial. The construction of this memorial began in 1925. Gutzon Borglum, a famous American sculptor ca r ved on the face of Mount Rushmore the heads of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt. This wor k took fourteen years. It was almost finished in 1941 when Borglum died. It was son, Lincoln Borglum. Fig.11 Mount Rushmore one hundred and fo rty - This memorial is now an important point of interest which is visited by thousands every year. Comments Jefferson , Thomas Томас Джефферсо н (1743 - 1826) - 3 - й президент США в1801 - 1809. Автор проекта Декларации независимости. Джефферсон был выдающимся просветителем, занимался архитектурой. Lincoln , Abraham Авраам Линкольн (1809 - 1865) - 16й президент США в 1861 - 1865. Один из организаторов республи канской партии, выступившей против рабства; национальный герой американского народа. Roosevelt , Theodore Теодор Рузвельт (1858 - 1919) - 26 - й президент США в 1901 - 1909). Лауреат Нобелевской премии мира. Washington , George Джордж Вашингтон (1732 - 1799) - 1 - й пре зидент США в1789 - 1797). Главнокомандующий армией колонистов в Войне за независимость(1775 - 1783), председатель комиссии по выработке Конституции США. gold rush золотая лихорадка the Black Hills Черные горы. В юго - западной части штата Южная Дакота и северо - восточной части штата Вайоминг. Святыня для индейцев племени сиу. Многопрофильный колледж 55 to carve вырезать Tasks I . Переведите словосочетания 1. и звестны своей природной красотой _______________________ 2. с кульптор вырезал на поверхности горы Рашмор _____________________________ __ ___________________________ 3. э та работа заняла 14 лет ______________________________ 4. в идны более чем за 80 км. ______________________________ 5. в ажная достопримечательность ___________________________ II . Согласитесь или опровергните следующие высказывания 1. Th e Black Hills of South Dakota are famous for the beauty of their nature. 2. The construction of this memorial began in 1825. 3. Gutzon Borglum, a famous Italian sculptor ca r ved on this famous memorial. 4. It was completed later that year by his son, Lincoln Borglum . 5. We can see the heads of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt. 6. They are carved out of the granite of the mountain and are visible for over 7. This memorial is now an important point of interest which is visited by thousands every ye ar. Lesson III Страноведческий материал : политическое устройство США Лексика: повторение , политические особенности США The Political System of the USA The United States of America is a parliamentary republic. T he President is the head of state there. B ut the President is not elected directly by the people and he is not a member of the American parliament, Congress. Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 senator s, two for each state. The House has 435 members; the number of r epresentatives from each state depends on its population. Congress makes all laws and each house of Congress can introduce a new project. Each can vote against the project passed by the other . If both houses agree the project becomes a law. The President and his Administration represent the executive branch С трановедение 56 are heads of the executive departments. Each department is resp onsible for a specific area. The President appoints the approve his appointments. The legislative and the executive branches of government are involved in the system of checks and balances. Упражнения к тексту 1 Лексические What words did you remember from the previous lessons? Which would be useful for this topic? Solve the crossword and revise words . Какие слова вы запомнили из предыдущих уроков? Какие вам понадобятся для изучения этой темы? Решите кроссворд и повторите ле ксику . Across : 1. республика 2. правительство 3. законодательный 4. народ 5. исполнительный Down: 1. государство 1 1 2 3 4 5 Многопрофильный колледж 57 Find the expl anations of the following words - Найдите объяснение значения следующих слов (см. лингвострановедческий словарь) Congress _______________________________________________ Senate _____________________________________________ t he House of Representatives __________________ __ _____ _ Administration __________ ___ __ ______________________ _ _ Sec retary _____ __ ____________ _______________________ _ _ the system of checks and balances ______________________ _ Check yourself - Проверь себя I Find English equivalents - Найдите в тексте английские со ответствия 1. парламентская республика ___________________ ___ 2. глава государства _______________________ ______ 3. не выбирается прямым голосованием _____________ 4. законодательная ветвь _______________________ ___ 5. исполнительная ветвь ______________________ ____ 6. федерально е правительств о _____________________ 7. зависит от на селения _______________________ ___ 8. создавать законы _______________________ ________ 9. голосовать против проекта _______________________ 10. должен одобрить его назначение _________________ _ II Agree or disagree with the following statements - Согласитесь или не со гласите сь со следующими высказываниями 1. The USA is a presidential republic. 2. The Prime Minister is the head of state there. 3. The President isn’t elected directly by the people. 4. He isn’t a member of the American Parliament, Congress. 5. Congress is the legislativ e branch of the federal government. 6. Congress makes all laws and each house of congress can introduce a new project. 7. Nobody can vote against the project passed by the others. 8. The President and his Administration represent the legislative branch of the feder al government. 9. executive department. 10. appointments. 11. The legislative and the executive branches of the government are involve d in the system of checks and balances. С трановедение 58 It’s interesting to know Additional texts The President of the United States Do you want to be president of the United States of America? Maybe you can apply for the job. Answer these three questions. Are you a U.S. citizen? Are you thirty - five years old or older? Have you been a resident of the United States for fourteen years or longer? Did you say "yes" to all three questions? Then you can take the first steps to the White House. You become president for a term. A term is four years. You can only serve two terms. This means that you can only be president twice. This became law in 1951. Before that, the law was different. In fact, Franklin D. Roosevelt became president in 1933. He was still president when he died in 1945. He was president for twelve years. No one was president longer than he was. As president of the United States, you earn $200,000 a year. You also get and housekeepers, all fr ee. You also live rent free, in the White House in Washington, D.C. And you are head of the richest country in the world. Presidents of the United States are very different people. Twenty - two were lawyers, four soldiers, four farmers, four teachers, two wr iters, two busi nessmen, one tailor, and one actor. Eight of them did not have a college educ ation ! Tasks I Из нижеперечисленных слов найдите слова, подходя щие по смыслу выделенным словам term a limousine expenses earn serve in fact resident U.S. ci tizen 2. To be president, you must be a person who lives in the United States for fourteen years. 3. To be president, you must be a person whose country is the United States . 4. You become president for a fixed period of time . 5. A s president can only work for two te rms. 6. When you are president, you make $200,000 a year. 7. You also get $50,000 for money to pay other things you need . 8. an expensive car with a driver. 9. Before 1951, you could be president for more than eight years. In truth , F ranklin D. Roosevelt was president for twelve years. Многопрофильный колледж 59 II Найдите правильные ответы 1. How long can you be president for? a. You can be president for a term. b. You can be president for twelve years. c. You can be president for two terms of four years. 2. How many presidents were lawyers? a . 2 b .4 с 22 III Найдите неверное слово в каждом предложении и замените его на верное 1. То be president, you must be forty - five years old or older. 2. To be president, you must be a lawyer in the United States for fourteen years. 3. A t erm is eight years. 4. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president for two terms. 5. Eight presidents did not have a teacher education. 6. As president, you are the businessman of the richest country. Lesson IV Страноведческий материал: столица США Грамматика : повторени е the Past Simple tense Лексика : повторение лексики Unit II Washington , D.C. Washington , D.C , the capital of the United States of America, is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The district is a piece of land ten miles square and it does not belong to any separate state but to all the states. The district is named in honor of Columbus, the discoverer of America. The capital owes much to the first president of the USA - George Washington. It was G. Washington who chose the place for the district and laid in 1790 the corner - stone of the Capitol, where Congress sits. Washington , D.C. is not the largest city in the USA. It has a population of 900.000 people. Washington , D.C. is a one - industry town. That industry is government. It does n ot produce anything except very much scrap paper. Every day 25 railway cars leave Washington loaded with scrap paper. Washington , D.C. has many historical places. The largest and tallest among the buildings is the Capitol with its great House of Representa tives and the Senate chamber. There are no skyscrapers in Washington because no other С трановедение 60 building must be taller than the Capitol. The White House is the President’s residence. All American presidents except George Washington (the White House was not yet buil t in this time), have lived in the White House. It was built in 1799. It is a two - storied white building. Not far from the Capitol is the Washington Monument, which looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 and is hollow inside. A special lift brin gs visitors to the top in 70 seconds from where they can enjoy a wonderful view of the whole city. The Jefferson Memorial was built in memory of the third President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, who was also the author of the Declaration of Independence. T he memorial is surrounded by cherry - trees. The Lincoln Memorial is devoted to the memory of the sixteenth President of the USA, the author of the Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves in America. On the other bank of the Potomac lie where President Kennedy was buried. American soldiers and o fficers, who died in World War I and II are buried there too. Упражнения к тексту 1 Лексические a) Transla te the sentences - Дополните предложения наиболее подходящими словами. Переведите предложения 1. Washington is the _____________ of the United States of America. 2. G. Washington chose the place for the __________. 3. Washington is a one - _______________ town. 4. The largest and tallest among the ______________ is the Capitol. 5. The White House is the _______________ residence. 6. ________________ can enjoy a wonderful view of the whole city. 7. The _________________ is surrounded by cherry - trees 8. The Lincoln Memorial is devote d to the ___________ of the 16 th President . b) Find the following words in the dictionary. What are they famous for? Найдите данные слова в словаре. Расскажите, чем знамениты эти достопримечательности. 1. t he Potomac River __________________________________ 2. t he Capitol __________________________________ _____ Многопрофильный колледж 61 3. t he White House __________________________________ __ 4. t he Washington Monument __ ________________________ __ 5. t he Jefferson Memorial _ ____________________________ _ _ 6. t he Lincoln Memorial _ ________________________ _____ _ _ 7. t __ ___________________ _ __ 2 Лексико - грамматические Grammar revision Past Simple Для утвердительных фраз V 2( ed ) Исключения см. в таблице неправильных глаголов Для отрицательных фраз Did not V Смысловой глагол исполь зуется в инфинитиве . the sentences . Поставьте глаголы в скобках в простое прошедшее время. Переведите предложения. 1. Washington ( cho o se ) ______________ the place for the district and (lay)_____ ____ in 1790 the corner - stone of the Capitol . 2. Thomas Jefferson (be) _______ the author of the Declaration of Independence . 3. The Emancipation Proclamation (give) __________ freedom to Negro slaves in America. 4. American soldiers and o fficers, who (die) _______ _ in World War I and II . 5. George Washington (not/live) __________________ in the White House. 6. Columbus (discover ) _ _______________ America. 7. President Kennedy (not/write ) _ ____________________ the Emancipation Pr oclamation. 8. Lincoln (not/found ) _ _____________ the Capitol. Check yourself Answer the following questions Ответьте на вопросы . 1. What is the capital of the USA? 2. Where is Washington situated? 3. W hich state does the city belong to? 4. In whose honour is the Distri ct of Columbia named? 5. Who was the first President of the USA? 6. Who chose the place for the District? 7. Is Washington the largest city in the USA? С трановедение 62 8. What is the population of Washington? 9. What industries are situated there in the city? 10. What do 25 railway cars lea ve Washington loaded with? 11. Why are there no sky scrapers in Washington? 12. Where is the President’s residence? 13. When was the White House built? 14. In whose memory was the Jefferson Memorial built? 15. Who is the author of the Declaration of Independence? 16. Which documen t gave freedom to Negro slaves in America? 17. It’s interesting to know Additional texts White House The White House ( Fig.1 2) is the residence of the president of the United States of America. It is situated i n Washington, D C. The White House was the first public building which was built in the capital of the USA. The cornerstone was laid in 1792 nearly one year before George Washington laid the co rner - stone for the Capitol Building. Architect James Hoban subm itted plans for the building and received a 500 dollar prize for his work. In 1800 President John Adams and his wife moved into the Fig. 12 t he White House building. At the beginning of the 19th century it was a light - grey st ructure made of sandstone. The construction of the building hadn't been There were no bathrooms and water was earned by hand into the house from sp ring which was five blocks away. Work continued on the structure when Thomas Jefferson was elected Многопрофильный колледж 63 president. In 1814 the building caught on f ire. Later the building was reconstructed and reopened in 1818. Its light - grey sandstone exterior was painted white to cover the effects of the fire. I t has been white ever since. Some people think it was from its white walls that the home of the president of the USA got its name. Other people believe that it got its name earlier, when it was still grey. Even then its grey sandstone walls looked whit e ne xt to the red brick walls of other pub l ic buildings. Nevertheless the president's home was officially named the White House in 1902. Tasks Agree or disagre e with the following statements - Согласитесь или не согласите сь со следующими высказываниями 1. The W hite House , the residence of the president of the USA, is situated in Washington, D. C. 2. George Washington submitted plans for the building and received a 500 dollar prize for his work. 3. In 1800 President Lincoln and his wife moved into the building. 4. At the b eginning of the 19th century the White House was a light - grey structure made of sandstone. 5. There were all the modern conveniences in the house at that time. 6. Its light - grey sandstone exterior was painted white to cover the effects of the fire. 7. From its whit e walls the home of the president of the USA got its name. Lesson V Страноведческий материал : крупные города США Лексика : повторение Unit 3 Big Cities of the USA New York New York is the largest city in the United States. More than seven million people live there. New York has a very tall building like the Empire State Building. It is the biggest port in the world. Thousands of ships come to the port of New York each year. It has Macy's, one of the biggest stores in the world. New York also has the larg est lady in the world - the Statue of Liberty. New York is a very cosmopolitan city. People from many countries came to live in New York. Three - quarters, or 75 percent, of the people in New С трановедение 64 York City come from five groups. The groups are: blacks, Jews, Ita lians, Puerto Ricans, and Irish. The other quarter, or 25 percent comes from all over the world. New York City is the centre for culture in the United States. It has the finest museums and best art galleries in the country. If you want to see a play, there are many theatres you can go to Broadway. The street called Broadway is the centre for theatre in the U nited St ates. People ca ll New York City "Big Apple". Jazz musicians in the 1920s gave New York this name. When a musician says he is going to the Big Ap ple, it means he is the best. Today, New York is still the U.S. centre for art and business. Tasks I Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова 1. A town with a harbor where ships can stop is a ___________. a centre b port c store 2. A city where there are people from different parts of the world is _________. a cosmopolitan b. Irish c. tall 3. With its many art galleries, museums, and theatres you can see that New York, is the centre for ________________ in the United States. a business b ships с culture 4. You go to the t heatre to see _____________ . a gallery b jazz c a play 5. When you _________ . a quarter b centre c three - quarters 6. When is of the best quality, it is the ______________ . a. largest b. finest c. biggest I Закончите предложения: 1. ___ New York is ______________. a. _ a black and Irish city. b. a cosmopolitan city. c. _ three - quarters Puerto Rican 2. ___ New York ________________ . a. has galleries on Broadway b. has only museums c. is the centre for culture in the United States III Найдите неверное слово каждом предл ожении и замените его Многопрофильный колледж 65 на верное 1. More than eleven million people live in New York City. 2. Three - quarters of the people in New York come from few groups. 3. The street called Liberty is the centre for theatre. 4. Jazz musicians in the 196 0s called New York the 'Big Apple". 5. Macy's is one of the biggest ships in New York. 6. Thou sands of plays come to the port of New York each year. It’s interesting to know Additional texts The Statue of Liberty One of the famous statues in the w orld stands on an island in New York Harbor. This statue is, of course, the Statue of Liberty ( Fig. 13) . The statue of Liberty is a woman who holds a torch up high. She symbolizes a welcome to a land of freedom. Visitors can go inside the statue. The statue is so large that as many as twelve people can stand inside the torch. Many more people can stand in other parts of the statue. The statue weighs 225 tons and is 301 feet tall. The Statue of Liberty was put in 1886. It was a gift to the United States from the people of France . Over the years France and the United States had a special relationship. In 1776 France helped the American colonies gain independence from England. Fig. 13 the Statue of Libe rty 100 th birthday. Laboulaye was a well - known Frenchman who admired the U.S. One night at a dinner in his house, Laboulaye talked about the idea of a gift. Among guest s was the French scu lptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Bartholdi thought С трановедение 66 of statue of liberty. He offered to design the statue. Many people contributed in some way. The French people gave money for the statue. Americans designed and built the pedestal for the statue to stand o n. The American people raised money to pay for the pedestal. The French engineer Alexander Eiffel, who was famous for his Eiffel Tower in Paris, figured out how to make the heavy statue stand. Tasks I Закончите предложения 1. The people of France wanted to give the United States a special_____. a gift b torch c woman 2. France and the United States had a special_______. a independence b relationship c feeling 3. France helped the American colonies_____ independence. a build b gain c protect 4. A famou s Frenchman, Laboulaye, ____ the United States. a admired b visited c designed 5. Frederic Bartholdi ____ to design the statue. a contributed b offered c. ordered 6. The Statue of Liberty stands on a _____. a building b harbor c pedestal II Закончите предложения 1. The Statue of Liberty is a famous statue in______. a. France b. the United States 2. The Statue of Liberty was a gift____. a. from the people of France to the United States b. from Laboulaye and Eiffel to the United States 3. The Statue of Liberty symb olizes_____. a. a woman witch a torch b. a land of freedom III Найдите информацию, которая не содержалась в тексте 1. Twelve people can stand inside the torch of the Statue of Liberty. 2. The United States helped France gain its independence in 1776. 3. Alexander Eiffe l was among the g uest s a t Laboulaye’s house. 4. Frederic Auguste figured out how to make the statue stand. 5. Americans designed the pedestal for the statue. Многопрофильный колледж 67 Контрольные вопросы для собеседования по теме «США » 1. Where is the USA situated? 2. What seas and oceans is it washed by? 3. Is it a rich country? Why? 4. What can you tell about the climate of the USA? 5. What natural wonders can you name? 6. Where are the biggest lakes situated? Name them. 7. What is the American flag called? 8. What is the political system of the USA? 9. Name th e branches of power. 10. What is the capital of the USA? 11. Who was the first President of the USA? 12. Why are there no sky - scrapers in Washington? 13. Where is the President’s residence? 14. Who is the author of the Declaration of Independence? 15. Why do people name New York “Big Apple”? С трановедение 68 Оглавление ВВЕДЕНИЕ В КУРС СТРА НОВЕДЕНИЯ 4 UNIT I THE UNITED KINGDOM O F GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND 7 LESSON I GREAT BRI TAIN 7 STONEHENGE 10 LOCH NESS 10 SNOWDONIA 11 GIANT ’ S CAUSEWAY 11 LESSON II THE POLITICAL S YSTEM OF GREAT BRITAIN 13 BRITAIN’S ROYAL FAMI LY 17 LESSON III LONDON 20 THE CITY OF LONDON 22 THE TOWER OF LONDON 23 TOWER BRIDGE 23 ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL 24 WESTMINSTER 25 THE HOUSES OF PARLIA MENT 25 BIG BEN 26 WESTMINSTER ABBEY 26 THE WEST END 27 TRAFALGAR SQUARE 27 PICCADILLY CIRCUS 28 BUCKINGHAM PALACE 28 HYDE PARK 29 THE EAST END 30 LESSON IV CITIES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM 33 OXFORD 36 EDINBURGH 38 LESSON V PUBLIC HOLIDAYS IN T HE UNITED KINGDOM 39 UNIT 2 THE USA 43 LESSON I THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 43 AMERICAN SYMBOLS 46 THE FIFTY STATES 47 LESSON II GEOGRAPHYCAL POSITIO N AND RICH RESOURCES 49 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK 49 NIAGARA FALLS 50 THE MISSISSIPPI RIVE R 52 Многопрофильный колледж 69 MOUNT RUSHMORE 54 LESSON III THE POLITICAL SYSTEM OF THE USA 55 THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 58 LESSON IV WASHINGTON, D.C. 59 WHITE HOUSE 62 LESSON V BIG CITIES OF THE US A 63 NEW YORK 63 THE STATUE OF LIBERTY 65 С трановедение 70 Список литературы 1. Нестерчук Г. В., Иванова В. М. США и американцы. [ Текст ] - Мн.: Выш. шк.,1998. - 238с. ил. 2. Сатинова В. Ф. Читаем и говорим о Британии и британцах. [ Текст ] - Мн. Выш. шк., 1997. - 255с.: ил. 3. То махин Г. Д. США. Лингвострановедческий словарь. [ Текст ] - 2 - е изд., стереотип. - М.: Рус. яз., 2000. - 576 с. 4. Рум А. Р. У. Великобритания : Лингвострановедческий словарь. [ Текст ] - 3 - е изд., стереотип. - М.: Рус. яз., 2002. - 560 с. 5. Сафонова В. В., Ханнен - Ленг А. Пособие по культуроведению к учебнику английского языка для X - XI классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. [ Текст ] В 2 ч. Ч. 1. - 2 - е изд. - М.: просвещение, 1996. - 160 с. 6. Миловидов В. А. 10 консультаций по английскому языку. [ Текст ] - 2 - е изд ., испр. - М.: Рольф: Айрис - пресс, 1999. - 320с. - (Домашний репетитор ). 7. Английский язык. 600 устных тем для ш кольников и поступающих в вузы [ Текст ] И. Ю. Баканова, Н. В. Береговая, Н. Г. Брюсова и др. - М.:Дрофа, 1999. - 608 с. 8. 200 тем английского языка./ Сос т. Бойко В., Жидких Н., Каверина В., Панина Е. [ Текст ] - Москва: ЗАО «БАО - ПРЕСС», 2004 - 448 с. 9. Северная Америка./ под ред. К. Батлер. [ Текст ] Изд. «Тукан букс лимитед», Лондон, по заказу Ридерз Дайджест, 2002. - 160 с. - (серия «Вокруг света»)