Дидактический материал, тренировочное упражнение к теме Выражение предпочтения в английском языке

Spotlight 9 module5
Card 1
Для выражения предпочтения употребляются следующие конструкции:
I prefer + noun/ -ing +to + noun/ -ing
For example, I prefer cinema to theatre.( Я предпочитаю кино театру)
I would prefer + to infinitive +rather than + infinitive without to
For example, I`d prefer to go to the theatre rather than stay at home on a Saturday.( Я бы предпочёл пойти в театр, а не оставаться дома в субботу)
would rather/ sooner + infinitive without to + than + infinitive without to
For example, I would sooner read a book than watch TV.
Card 2
Make sentences using the prompts
prefer to I would prefer rather than would rather than would sooner than going to the theatre
going to the cinema
watch TV
take part in a competition
reading books
sitting in a café
stay at home
shoot a film
fantasyscience fiction
visit a dentist
comedyfootballchesswalk with friends
watch DVD
listen to music
play computer games
perform a role in a school party
sing a song